
  1. 外省来莞打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占63.40%;

    The poisoning accident main occurred to workers from outside of Dongguan City , accounted for 63.40 % .

  2. 结论安仁县中小学教师HBsAg阳性率高,属高发人群,乡镇和乡村教师高于县城教师。

    Conclusion The HBsAg positive rate of the teachers was high .

  3. 外省来粤打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占55.6%;室内冲凉燃汽热水器意外是本地区急性CO中毒的主要原因,占82.1%;

    The indoor water-heater accident is the mainly reason of acute CO poisoning in native area ( 82.1 % );

  4. 结论护理人员是疲劳及CFS的高发人群;

    Conclusions Nurses are high risk people to fatigue and CFS .

  5. 结论:该方法敏感性高,特异性强,更方便临床随访高发人群,早期发现HCC。

    Conclusion : The measurement is of higher sensitivity , specificity and convenient in the early recognition of HCC .

  6. 山东临朐胃癌高发人群和北京人群Lewis血型抗原相关SE基因多态性分析

    Analysis of Polymorphisms on Lewis Blood Group Antigen Related SE Gene in the Populations in Shandong with High-risk of Gastric Cancer and Beijing

  7. 结果:高发人群血清TSA含量随食管上皮细胞增生加重逐渐增加。

    The results show that TSA levels increase with extent of hyperplasia in esophageal epithelial cell .

  8. 结果目前泌尿生殖道CT或UU感染的男性就诊者较多,21~40岁组为高发人群,以沙眼衣原体感染为主,混合感染率达43.4%,临床症状隐匿。

    The incidence of infection was high in the 21 - 40 years old group . The main pathogen was CT , and the mixed infection rate reached 43.4 % . The clinical manifestations were obscure .

  9. 结论:与痴呆的患病特征相同,高龄、低教育水平、居住在农村的老年人是MCI的高发人群。

    Conclusion : Similar to dementia , people with advance aged , with low education and living in rural area are those at high risk of developing MCI .

  10. 结论NICU中早产儿是听力障碍的高发人群,应该常规进行听力诊断,新生儿脑损伤,新生儿高胆红素血症是导致早产儿听力障碍的高危因素。

    Conclusion The incidence of hearing loss in NICU is high premature infants and these newborns should receive hearing diagnosing routinely . The brain damage , elevated bilirubin is high risk factors responsible for hearing loss and hearing degree .

  11. 由于职业的特殊性,警察是工作倦怠的高发人群。

    Because of the job particularity , police are high-risk population .

  12. 标化比例死亡比分析在筛检恶性肿瘤高发人群中的应用

    Usage of SPMR analysis in screening high risk throng of cancer

  13. 生育年龄妇女是此病的高发人群。

    The tumor is more prevalent in women of childbearing age .

  14. 而肥胖儿童也是糖尿病的高发人群。

    Overweight children are also susceptible to developing the disorder .

  15. 肺癌的性别、年龄分布特点:男性是肺恶性肿瘤的高发人群,患者平均年龄高于女性。

    The average age in male was older than dial in female .

  16. 中学教师是职业倦怠感的高发人群。

    Teachers in middle school are people with high incidence to suffer burnout .

  17. 1~6岁儿童为高发人群。

    The prevalence was higher in children of 1 - 6 years old .

  18. 所有的志愿者都是非洲裔美国人,他们是心脏疾病的高发人群。

    All volunteers were African American , a high-risk group for heart disease .

  19. 教师是这一职业心理综合症的高发人群之一。

    The teacher is one of the highest risk group of this psychological syndrome .

  20. 目的:甲状腺疾病是常见的内分泌疾病,而育龄妇女是甲状腺疾病的高发人群。

    Objective : Thyroid disorders are common endocrine disease , especially in reproductive women .

  21. 结果东莞市流脑的高发人群是外来青壮年工人;

    Results Migrant young workers are high-risk population of the disease in Dongguan city .

  22. 结论:髁突骨折的高发人群是青壮年,最常见的致病因素为交通伤;

    Conclusions : Nowa-days , 20-to49-year-old males are most likely to have condylar fracture .

  23. 普通初中的学生是伤害的高发人群;

    As for injuries , students in ordinary junior high schools were the high-risk populations .

  24. 教师是职业倦怠的高发人群。

    To teachers , burnout is common .

  25. 5岁以下儿童是烧伤后瘢痕的高发人群。

    The incidence of scar hypertrophy is high in pediatric burn patients under the age of five .

  26. 大量调查研究证明,教师是职业倦怠的高发人群之一。

    Lot of investigation and research shows that teachers are burnout , one of the high-risk population .

  27. 他们面临特殊的工作环境以及工作性质,对自身的身体和心理素质都有极大的挑战,是工作压力大、职业倦怠感高的高发人群。

    They faced to a special work environment , which are challenge to their physical and mental qualities .

  28. β肾上腺素能受体基因家族在中国东北高血压病高发人群中的基因型分析

    The genotype analysis of β adrenergic receptor gene family in high risk population of hypertension in northeast China

  29. 无论是国内还是国外,大学生都是心理障碍的高发人群,心理问题的发生率均在10%~30%之间。

    The incidence of mental disorders in college students is high and is about from 10 % to 30 % worldwide .

  30. 初驾者因为驾驶知识有限、驾驶经验不足、驾驶技能不熟练,导致其成为道路交通事故的高发人群。

    Novice drivers have become accident-prone people because of limited driving knowledge , poverty of driving experience , unskilled of driving .