
  • 网络Région des Plateaux;Region des plateaux;Mountain Sector;plateaux
  1. TM与SAR图像融合处理及在高原区调中的应用

    Fusion of TM and SAR images and the application to geological survey

  2. 通过和GIS、光谱信息及各种指数信息的结合,可以有效解决由于黄土高原区地形起伏引起的阴影问题。

    Combined with the GIS information , spectrum information and some index information , the shadow problem caused by the hypsography can be resolved effectively .

  3. 黄土高原区~(137)Cs与土壤颗粒及有机质的关系研究

    Study on Relationship Among ~ ( 137 ) Cs , Soil Particle and Organic Matter in Loess Plateau

  4. 在多个机场建设工程3S技术综合应用基础上,设计了高原区机场建设工程管理与决策支持地理信息系统框架,为机场建设现代化管理提供重要的技术支持。

    Based on the comprehensive application in several airfields construction , the author designs a frame of engineering project management GIS and decision support system in plateau area , which provide the vital technologies for the airfield construction and modernization management .

  5. 内蒙古西部地区夏季降水量距平与黄土高原区前期的大气相对湿度、V风场、水汽输送qv等存在高负相关,与此区域内温度场存在高正相关。

    The precipitation deviation from the average in west Inner Mongolia is highly minus related to the earlier stage s air humidity 、 V wind and QV of the loess plateau , though highly plus related to the temperature of that area .

  6. 野生果树垂直分布范围在海拔400m~4500m之间,主要集中分布于盆周山地,生境条件严酷的川西北高原区种类最少。

    Aggregate berry ? multiple achene and multiple drupe . These wild fruit trees are distributed in the scope of 400 m ~ 4 500 m altitude , mainly in the edge mountains of the Sichuan Basin and there are few species in Northwestern Sichuan plateau with rigid environment .

  7. 黄土高原区农田覆盖效应与前景分析。

    The benefit and Prospect of farmland mulch on Loess plateau .

  8. 黄土高原区土壤侵蚀量的遥感测量方法

    Soil erosion survey on the Loess Plateau with remote sensing method

  9. 低纬度高原区农业灌溉需水规律研究

    Research on Low Latitude Plateau Irrigation District Agriculture Irrigation Water Rule

  10. 略论我国西部高山高原区的冻土工程地质勘探问题

    On engineering geological survey in Alpine permafrost regions of West China

  11. 甘肃黄土高原区农业生态气候条件分析

    Analysis of eco-agroclimate of Loess Plateau Area in Gansu Province

  12. 鄂尔多斯沙漠高原区白垩系含水层补给源的探讨

    Discussion of the Recharge Source of Cretaceous sandstone in Ardos Desert Plateau

  13. 黄土高原区流域生态环境建设的决策信息需求

    Information Requirements for Ecological Environment Construction in Loess Plateau Watershed

  14. 西部黄土高原区公路交通建设与生态环境保护

    Highway Construction and Ecology Protection in Western Loess Plateau Sections

  15. 浅淡甘肃黄土高原区的植被恢复与重建

    Restoration and Reestablishment of Vegetation in Gansu Loess Plateau Area

  16. 滇中高原区城镇体系优化研究

    The urban system of optimization in the mid - inner Yunnan of highland

  17. 黄土高原区资源丰富,生态环境脆弱,地质灾害多发性强,危害严重。

    The Loess Plateau has abundant resources , but its ecological environment is weak .

  18. 西北黄土高原区生态恢复重建与农业可持续发展

    Ecological restoration and reconstruction and agriculture sustainable development in loess plateau of Northwest China

  19. 黄土高原区长期施用有机肥对土壤肥力及小麦产量的影响

    Effect of a long-term organic fertilization on wheat yield and soil fertility on Loess Plateau

  20. 对黄土高原区菊科植物区系的组成、分类及其特点进行了研究。

    Study on the Source Apportionment and Physicochemical Characteristics of Foliar Dust on Urban Plants ;

  21. 黄土高原区高寒阴湿县草地农业系统的灰色关联分析

    The Grey System Analysis of Grassland Agricultural Systems in the Alpine-humid Regions of Loess plateau

  22. 宁南黄土高原区生态农业建设中土地利用结构优化研究

    Optimization of land use structure in the loess region of Southern Ningxia for eco-agriculture construction

  23. 甘肃黄土高原区生态建设与可持续农业发展对策

    Strategy of ecological construction and sustainable agriculture development of Loess Plateau in Gansu province , china

  24. 黔西南高原区峰丛洼地的形态特征与发育规律

    Morphological characteristics and development regularity of peak-cluster and depression in the plateau region of Southwest Guizhou Province

  25. 陕北黄土高原区日光温室蔬菜产业发展的几点思考

    Problem and Thinking about Production Development of Sunlight Greenhouse on the Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi Province

  26. 黄土高原区四位一体高效设施农业模式研究

    A model of " combining-four factors in one system " with high efficiency facility agriculture in Loess Plateau

  27. 我国黄土高原区的治理建设与农业机械化初议

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Control / Construction / Farm Mechanization in the Areas on the Loess Plateau

  28. 黄土高原区果园生草覆盖对土壤物理性状、水分及产量的影响

    Effects of herbage-mulching to the apple yield and soil water and other soil physical properties in the Loess Plateau

  29. 秦岭北坡及陕北黄土高原区侧柏林初步研究

    A preliminary studies on the Platycladus orientalis forests in the Qinling Mountain and the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province

  30. 在甘南一祁连高原区,影响降水的因子依次是,植被指数、纬度、海拔高度;

    In losses plateau region , the key factor of influencing precipitation was vegetation index , longitude and latitude in turn ;