
suō yī cǎo
  • Chinese alpine rush
  1. 他踏过蓑衣草与鳝鱼般黏滑的海藻,坐在凳子形的岩石上,并将自己那梣木手杖搭在岩隙里。

    He climbed over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock , resting his ashplant in a grike .

  2. 锯齿草:一种产于北美东部、西哥和西印度群岛高海岸或沼生的蓑衣草,叶片具有尖利的小齿边缘。

    A tall coastal or marshy sedge of eastern North America , Mexico , and the West Indies , having leaves with sharp , minutely toothed margins .

  3. 小穗,小穗状花序:禾草或蓑衣草所特有的一种小的或次级的穗,具有数目不等的由一至二片鳞状苞片衬托的渐少的小花。

    A small or secondary spike , characteristic of grasses and sedges , having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts .

  4. 以前,200个农户用收割的蓑衣草(赤颈鹤食物)生产低附加值地垫,现在他们转而生产高附加值手提包和帽子,向进入胡志明市的游客出售。

    Instead of producing low-value floor mats from the Lepironia sedge they harvest ( and the cranes feed on ), 200 families now craft high-value handbags and hats for the tourist trade in Ho Chi Minh City .