
  • 网络Out of the question
  1. 没有和平,发展就无从谈起。

    Without peace , development is out of the question .

  2. 如果学生人身安全得不到保障,其他的一切将无从谈起。

    If students can not be guaranteed personal safety , everything else out of the question .

  3. 当时所谓的IPO市场根本无从谈起。

    There was no IPO market to speak of at all .

  4. 如果二十国集团(g20)成员国不加强协作,信心或增长的恢复都将无从谈起。

    There will be no recovery of confidence or growth without greater co-ordination among the group of 20 countries .

  5. 问题在于,NFC广泛应用尚待时日,帮助腹背受敌的商家实现黑色星期五盈利还无从谈起。

    Unfortunately , NFC will not be widely available for some time & too late to help harried retailers through Black Friday .

  6. 如果没有素质教育,那么设计教育也无从谈起。

    If no quality education , then design education also mentioned .

  7. 离开了翻译的主体间性,翻译的规则意识和价值意识就无从谈起。

    Without inter-subjectivity , translation will lose its rule and value .

  8. 当诱惑不存在时,毅力就无从谈起。

    When temptations are not available , willpower is a nonissue .

  9. 没有效率,公平将无从谈起。

    Equity would be out of the question without efficiency .

  10. 没有这一点,所有的讨论都无从谈起。

    Without this point , no discussion can be started .

  11. 生命得不到保障,一切都无从谈起。

    Life can not be guaranteed , all out of the question .

  12. 不过,就目前来看,雅虎的整体出售压根就无从谈起。

    For now , however , a Yahoo buyout is highly unlikely .

  13. 知,脱离关系模式无从谈起&与维之商榷宣布与儿子脱离关系对他来说是很痛苦的。

    It was painful for him to renounce his son .

  14. 如果不能实现钢的大规模生产,这一切都无从谈起

    None of it can happen if steel can 't be mass-produced .

  15. 离开了先进的性别文化,先进文化将无从谈起,反之也一样,离开了先进文化,先进性别文化也将成为无源之水,无本之木。

    Advanced culture is nonsense without advanced sexual culture , conversely is same .

  16. 跟着别人的脚步前进,超越就无从谈起。

    Follow others'way , surpassing is just a word .

  17. 当“自我成就”的标准是那么高不可攀时,“自我接受”也变得无从谈起了。

    When the standards for selfhood are beyond reach , self-acceptance is futile .

  18. 他说,如果不能重新谈判的话,这个问题就无从谈起。

    He says there must be re-negotiating or the topic cannot be discussed .

  19. 先进的故障诊断技术是设备发展的前提,没有先进的故障诊断技术设备发展就无从谈起。

    Advanced fault diagnosis technology is a prerequisite for the development of equipments .

  20. 如果没有战略武器控制条约,这一切成就就无从谈起。

    That progress would not have been possible without strategic arms control treaties .

  21. 如果无人能站出来持续命中长距离的投篮,“魔球理论”无从谈起。

    Morey-ball can 't survive if no one can hit the long ball consistently .

  22. 同样,如果各国都软弱无力,建设欧洲也就无从谈起。

    Equally , it would be a mistake to build Europe with weak nations .

  23. 如果没有长期安全,长期发展就无从谈起。

    Long-term development is impossible without long-term security .

  24. 作为指导它成功发展的基本营养学原理也就无从谈起了。

    The basic nutritional principles which originally led to their successful development are neglected .

  25. 没有和平环境,任何建设事业都无从谈起。

    Without a peaceful environment , any construction undertaking would be impossible to discuss .

  26. 离开和平稳定,发展无从谈起。

    Without peace and stability , there could be no development to speak of .

  27. 其运作机制之间的关系为:投资机制是基础,没有合格的人才储备,企业的发展就无从谈起;

    Because none qualified reserve of the talents could not bring the enterprise development .

  28. 不然一切其他权利都无从谈起

    " Otherwise , there would be no other rights to speak of . "

  29. 没有一定的开放度,现代社会的发展便无从谈起。

    There is no way for development unless the opening has extended to certain degrees .

  30. 事实上离开词汇学习,第二语言学习就无从谈起。

    In fact , vocabulary learning is an indispensable part of learning a second language .