
wú wū rǎn
  • pollution-free;non-pollution
无污染[wú wū rǎn]
  1. 人们将享受到无污染汽车的诸多好处。

    People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle

  2. 因此,为了让市民不再开汽车,转而骑上无污染的自行车,他们启动了黄色自行车项目。

    So , to get citizens out of their cars and onto pollution-free bikes , they started the Yellow Bike Project .

  3. 他们面临无污染水源的严重短缺。

    They face a desperate shortage of clean water .

  4. 民用飞机的发动机必须静音、无污染、可靠、耐用。

    Civil aircraft engines must be quiet , non-polluting , reliable and long-lasting .

  5. 利用光催化氧化技术,大多数有机污染物可以被降解为CO2、H2O等无污染的小分子。

    Most organic pollutants can be degraded to non-polluting small molecules such as CO_2 , H_2O etc.

  6. 无污染快速测定COD

    Rapidly determining COD without pollution

  7. TiO2的直接电化学还原法是一种低能耗、无污染的绿色生产新工艺。

    Direct electrochemical reduction of TiO_2 is a new green process with low energy consumption and non-pollution .

  8. 湖泊北部Pb和Zn地质累积指数值小于1,属无污染到中度污染;

    The geo-accumulation indices ( I_ geo ) revealed that Pb and Zn in northern lake were considered as unpolluted to moderately polluted ( I_ geo < 1 );

  9. VBL荧光增白剂的无污染高效喷雾流化干燥造粉过程

    A Clean Spray Drying Process for Powder Production of VBL Fluorescent Brightener

  10. 在低浓度Cd处理下(2mgkg-1),堆肥施用后的土壤中微生物量碳含量略高于无污染对照的水平。

    The microbial biomass carbon content after compost application at 2 mg kg-1 Cd treatment exceeded the level of control without Cd pollution .

  11. 采用提拉法无污染磁悬浮冷坩埚技术生长出NiAl合金,具有马氏体结构。

    NiAl alloys with martensitic structure have been prepared by Hukin 's magnetic levitation cold crucible method in Czochralski technique .

  12. HF防垢剂是工业锅炉水处理的新型药剂,使用这种药剂进行水处理用量小、无污染、经济实用、工艺简单。

    HF preservative is a new kind of medicament for treating boiler water with the advantages of small amount needed , no contamination , being economic , practical , and simple .

  13. 自半导体发光二极管诞生,LED照明技术逐步的发展,功能多样,利用率逐步提高,节能减排无污染、可以多色变光,使用方便简单,开创了照明技术的新篇章,标志着新技术的诞生。

    LED lighting engineering has been developed since semiconductor LED born . It start a new chapter because of features diversity , high utilization , energy saving and emission reduction and polychromatic light . Also it is easy to use .

  14. LED属于固态半导体光源,具有寿命长、无污染、节能环保、抗震性好、应用形式多样等优点,越来越受到社会的关注。

    LED which is solid state semiconductor light source , has advantages such as long life , non-pollution , energy-saving , environmental protection , shock resistance , varieties of application forms and etc. , and is getting more and more attention of the society .

  15. 其中,在低污染浓度Cd处理下(2mgkg-1),施用堆肥后的土壤脲酶,蔗糖酶,磷酸酶活性达到甚至高于无污染对照的水平。

    In the soil treated with 2 mg kg-1 Cd , the activity of sucrase , urease , phosphatase after compost application achieved or exceeded the level of control without Cd pollution .

  16. 本文叙述的FON工艺是一种无污染高耐蚀氮碳共渗复合盐浴新工艺。

    This paper deals with the FON process , which is a new non-polluting and high-anticorrosive bath nitrocarburizing complex process .

  17. ZA27合金强度高、铸造性能优越熔化时能耗低、基本上无污染,是一种很有前途的工程合金。

    ZA27 alloy is of high strength , excellent castability and of low energy consumed and pollution free.ZA27 alloy isa excellent engineering alloy .

  18. 使奶牛粪便得到综合利用,变为干净、无污染、无味、容易被植物吸收,富含N、P、K的小包装优质花卉栽培肥料。

    The result is a good flower planting fertilizer with little package which is clean , unpolluted , tastelessness , and can be easily absorbed by plants and full of N , P , K. The pollution of the excrement and faeces of cows and is also resolved .

  19. 因此,水性聚氨酯(WPU)的发展就具有非常重要的意义,其具有有机挥发物含量低,无毒无污染等优点。

    Therefore , the development of waterborne polyurethane ( WPU ) which has many advantages such as non-toxic 、 pollution-free and low organic volatile content etc , has a very important significance .

  20. 半导体金属硅化物热电材料Mg2Si以其组成元素在地壳中含量丰富,且对环境无毒无污染,近十年来受到了人们的广泛关注。

    Semiconducting metal silicide of Mg_2Si , which is composed of less toxic and naturally abundant elements , has attracted more attention for its potential application to thermoelectric device since the last decade .

  21. 低分子PF树脂、DPB和季铵盐作为防腐剂均可使处理木材达到天然强耐腐级的要求,且DPB和季铵盐类低毒、无污染。

    Wood treated with low mole weight PF resin . DPB and quaternary ammonium can come up to a nature strong resistance decay . and DPB and quaternary ammonium are low toxin and free pollution .

  22. 钛硅分子筛催化丙烯环氧化合成环氧丙烷反应具有反应条件温和、使用H2O2水溶液作氧化剂、反应速度快、选择性高、过程无污染等优点。

    Titanium silicalite ( TS-1 ) can catalyze the epoxidation of propylene to propylene oxide . This reaction has many advantages , such as mild reaction conditions , using aqueous H2O2 as oxidant , high reaction rate , high selectivity , no pollution .

  23. 荧光粉成为制备White-LED的关键问题之一,为探索成本低廉、无污染、易产业化的新型荧光材料,本文开展了有机/无机复合荧光粉的合成与发光特性的研究。

    The phosphor has become one of the key techniques for fabricating White-LED . In this thesis , the synthesis and properties of organic-inorganic phosphor is studied .

  24. 染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)是一种有效利用太阳能的光电器件,它制作工艺简单、成本低廉、性能稳定、对环境无污染,因而具有良好的发展前景。

    Dye-sensitized solar cell ( DSSC ) is one of the effective energy conversion devices . Because of its simple fabrication procedure , low cost , better stability and cleanliness , DSSC has been intensively investigated .

  25. 制定实施丹参SOP,对丹参生产全过程实施监控,基本可以达到优质、安全、稳定、可控及无污染〃之目标。结论:通过实施GAP和执行SOP,完全可以保证药材质量。

    As the result , the objective of ″ good quality , safety , stability , controllability and the nonpollution ″ has been reached . The fact has proved that through the implementation of GAP and SOP , the quality of Danshen can absolutely be guaranteed .

  26. WO3/ZrO2具有超强酸性,与液体酸催化剂相比有无污染、无腐蚀、易与产物分离等优点,且具有良好的热稳定性,在高温及氧化还原的气氛下不会发生组分的流失。

    As solid acid catalyst , WO_3 / ZrO_2 has many advantages over liquid acid catalyst . It is non-corrosive , environmentally benign and easily to separate . At the same time , it has stable nature in oxidizing and reducing environments , even at high reaction temperature .

  27. 一种快速无污染高收率的氧化法制备醛和酮

    Rapid , High Yield Oxidation of Alcohols to Aldehydes and Ketones

  28. 太阳能是绿色能源且安全,无污染。

    Solar energy is a green energy and safety , no pollution .

  29. 无污染,无噪音,无电子干扰。

    No pollution , no noises , no electronic interference .

  30. 大力生产无污染绿色食品。

    Devoting major efforts to production of pollution-free green food .