
  • 网络ethnic customs;national customs
  1. 贵州民族风情旅游中的文化困惑

    Comments on the Perplexed Culture in the Tourist of Ethnic Customs in Guizhou

  2. 沿途景色壮观秀丽,具有浓厚,独特的民族风情。

    It has spectacular views along the line , with unique ethnic customs .

  3. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  4. 你觉得民族风情园怎么样?

    What do you think of park of traditions of nationalities ?

  5. 但对旅游开发来说,整个社区浓厚的民族风情又是重要的旅游吸引物。

    But its strong ethnical custom is the most attraction for tourists .

  6. 开发桂林民族风情旅游之我见

    My Views for Developing A National-Style Tourism in Guilin

  7. 浓郁的草原特色、民族风情,是孔盖语言的魅力之源。

    The charm of his language is from the grasslands and minority customs .

  8. 自然景观、民族风情、地域文化,构成了云南旅游业不可多得的宝贵财富:到目前为止,云南省已有10个国家级风景名胜区,1个国家级旅游度假区,位列全国第三。

    As yet Yunnan have 10 country-level showplaces and 1 country-level holiday area .

  9. 中国民族风情旅游资源分类与开发研究

    Classification and development of ethnic cultural resources of China

  10. 美丽神奇的云南是一个少数民族风情文化浓郁的边疆省区。

    Yunnan is a beautiful and amazing culture of rich ethnic customs frontier provinces .

  11. 第三,民族风情。

    Third , local and ethnic traits .

  12. 论中华民族风情旅游

    On the Chinese Nation folklore tourism

  13. 丝路寻踪民族风情旅游区旅游资源现状分析与开发展望

    Analysis on present situations of tourism resources in northwestern areas and the prospects for its development

  14. 贵州省台江民族风情旅游资源开发利用

    Development and Utilization of the Tourist Resources of Minority National Features in Taijiang of Guizhou Province

  15. 和充满魁北克民族风情的活动,如独木舟和雪橇。

    And activities based on the Quebecois folkloric lifestyle , such as canoe and dogsled races .

  16. 这里吸引人的不仅是迷人的景致,还有那淳朴浓厚的民族风情。

    Attractive here is not only a charming scene , and the simple style of nationalism .

  17. 以多样的民族风情为素材,呈现出一种相对独立的艺术样式。

    To a variety of ethnic customs as material , showing a relatively independent art style .

  18. 不同的国度之间的历史背景、社会文化、民族风情等都有很大的差异。

    There are great differences in historical background , social culture , national customs among the countries .

  19. 祠堂既是一座展示地方民族风情的博物馆,又是一部地方的变迁史。

    Shrine is both a museum showcasing local ethnic customs , but also is a local change history .

  20. 大力开发红色旅游及自然景观和少数民族风情为特征的旅游资源;

    To greatly exploit the tourist resources characterized as revolutionary tourism , natural scenery and customs of minorities ;

  21. 云南将在世博会期间全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情

    III. Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition

  22. 让人们在欣赏艺术美的同时,还能从中感受到我国多彩的民族风情。

    In the appreciation of beauty of art at the same time , feel our colorful ethnic customs from .

  23. 产品设计独具匠心,人物造型栩栩如生,民族风情浓郁。

    The production design showing originality , the character shaping is vivid , with the dense nationality amorous feedings .

  24. 云南省有着独特的地貌环境、繁多的生物种类、多姿多彩的民族风情,它们构成了无与伦比的生态旅游空间。

    Yunnan Province possessed unique geographic conditions , diversed bio-species and colorful nationality cultures , which formed into incomparable eco-tourism spaces .

  25. 打造枯山水景观,体现塞北特色;通过文化走廊的设计体现地域文化与民族风情。

    Zen garden is designed to show characteristic of the north and the culture corridor expresses vernacular culture and ethnic beauty .

  26. 他们把我带到了一个蒙古餐厅,去体验一种全新的“民族风情”火锅餐饮。

    They took me to a Mongolian restaurant for a whole new " going native " experience , the hot pot .

  27. 他们距离市区都不是很远,且具有丰饶的自然景观和独特的民族风情和民族文化。

    There are not quite far away from the big cities , and has its unique landscapes and ethnic customs and cultures .

  28. 桥梁是风俗画,它是民族风情、历史变迁的话剧舞台。

    The bridge is a genre painting , it is the national character and style , the historical vicissitude modern drama stage .

  29. 库区地处黔东南州东部,是贵州省东部民族风情与乡村旅游线路上的重要旅游景区。

    It located at the east of Guizhou province . and is an important spot in the folk-style and rural tourism region .

  30. 而在西部纪录片重少数民族风情、人类学纪实的总体大背景下,陕西纪录片又有着自身极具特色的地域特点。

    The western documentary think highly of folk customs and anthropology , With this background , ShaanXi documentary has its extremely unique characteristics .