
mín zhènɡ tīnɡ
  • provincial Department of Civil Affairs
  1. 婚姻登记情况等,资料来源省民政厅。

    Data source from Civil Administration Office in Jiangxi Province .

  2. 主要负责人把一个应用软件,用于由民政厅成为一个全球应用。

    Key people transform an application used by the home office into a global application .

  3. 据广东省民政厅表示,台风尤特已经造成20人死亡,7人失踪。

    According to the Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau , Typhoon Utor has killed 20 people and left 7 missing .

  4. 广东省民政厅王长胜副厅长对协会今年通过广东省“五A行业协会”评估表示祝贺,并在现场为协会颁发了广东省“五A行业协会”荣誉牌匾。

    Wang Changsheng , Deputy Director-general of the Department of Civil Affairs of Guangdong Province congratulated on Guangdong 's Five-A Association 's evaluation and awarded an honour plague .

  5. 要求结婚登记的男女双方共同到广西壮族自治区民政厅涉外婚姻登记处提出申请。

    The man and the woman , who apply for marriage registration , shall apply in Foreign Marriage Registration Office of Department of Civil Affairs of Guangxi Zhuang Region .

  6. 据甘肃省民政厅消息,星期一早晨,中国西北甘肃省两县交界发生地震,已造成至少95人死亡。

    At least 95 people have been killed in an earthquake which hit a juncture region of two counties in northwest China 's Gansu Province Monday morning , according to the provincial civil affairs department .

  7. 1932年,河南省民政厅制定了全省土地整理计划及各种章则,1933年开始择县试办。

    In 1932 , the Henan Province office of civil administration has worked out the entire province land arrangements plan and each kind of rules , in 1933 started to select the county to set up as an experiment .

  8. 安徽省离婚处的登记员接受过培训,能根据夫妻的陈述和情绪状态辨别这段婚姻是否能够被挽救,安徽省民政厅的高佳梅说。

    The registrars who handle dissolutions in Anhui province have been trained to tell whether a marriage can be saved or not , according to their statement and emotional state , according to Gao Jiamei of Anhui Provincial Civil Affairs Department .