
  • 网络folk festival
  1. 民间节日中的集体记忆与身份认同&以广西壮族族群为例

    An Analysis on Collective Security The Collective Memory in Folk Festivals and Ethnic Identities

  2. 云南跨境民族多元历史文化与身份认同民间节日中的集体记忆与身份认同&以广西壮族族群为例

    The Multi-histories and Multi-cultures of the Cross-border Ethnic Groups of Yunnan and their Identities The Collective Memory in Folk Festivals and Ethnic Identities

  3. 春节是中国民间节日中规模最大、时间最长的节日。

    The Spring Festival is the longest and grandest of China 's festivals .

  4. 踩高跷俗称缚柴脚,亦称“踏高跷”、“扎高脚”。乃民间节日在广场表演的一种舞蹈形式。

    Walking on stilts is commonly known as a kind of dance performed during festivals among the people .

  5. 每年有十亿人参与地球日活动,使其成为世界上最大的民间节日。

    One billion people participate in Earth Day each year , making it the largest civic observance in the world .

  6. 民俗音乐是斯拉夫马其顿的最珍贵的文化财富之一,每年都举行一些民间节日。

    Folk music is one of the most cherished areas of Slavic Macedonian culture , and several folk festivals take place each year .

  7. 每年三四月间,加拿大传统的民间节日枫糖节在魁北克和安大略举行。

    In March and April every year , the Canadian Maple Syrup Festival , a traditional folk festival was held in Quebec and Ontario .

  8. 学术界对民间节日的政府参与现象已多有关注,但缺乏具体深入的研究。

    Much attention has been paid to the governmental participation in folk festivals in the academic world , but the specific and profound studies are limited .

  9. 以壮族民间节日中的节日传说为个案,通过文本分析和田野描述来说明节日传说中的集体记忆与族群身份认同之间的密切关联。

    Taking the festival legends of the Zhuang nationality for example , this paper studies the close relationship between collective memory and ethnic identity through the analysis of the texts and the description of the fields .

  10. 笔者的本意是要考察云南新平彝族傣族自治县花腰傣族群的传统民间节日&花街节,但看到的却是一种新的,被重新建构着的民间节日文化的再生。

    The author intends to visit the traditional folk festival of Huayao Dai in Xinping Autonomous county for Dai nationality and Yi nationality , Yunnan Province , & Huajie Festival , and to see a new and regenerative of folk culture which is re-constructed .

  11. 明代民间的节日旅游

    A Study of the Popular Festival-tourism in the Ming Dynasty

  12. 冬至不仅是比较重要的节气,还是民间传统节日&冬至节。

    Winter Solstice is not only an important solar term , but also a traditional festival , the Winter Solstice Festival .

  13. 当随着社会和时代的变迁,元宵节的风俗习惯早已有了较大的变化,但至今仍是中国民间传统节日。

    When along with society and the changes of The Times , the Lantern Festival customs , already had greater change , but is still the traditional Chinese folk festival .

  14. 在明朝和清朝时期,中秋已成为中国民间的主要节日之一。

    During the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty , Mid-Autumn Festival has become one of the major Chinese folk festivals .

  15. 民俗、民间体育是传统节日得以复兴的主要形式之一。

    The folk sport was one of the main forms of traditional festival renaissance .

  16. 在我国民间,每逢喜事节日宴宾会客。最是讲究用八仙桌上八大碗,七荤一素。

    Eight Dishes for the Eight Immortals , consisting of seven meat dishes and one vegetable dish , are often served at celebrations in Heqing .

  17. 二月二是我国民间重要的传统节日,文章运用文献材料,对二月二习俗的流变进行了分析,并浅析了龙抬头节、社日的形成,希冀能够推动学术界对传统节日文化研究的进展。

    " February two " is one of the important tradition folk festivals . With documentary materials , the " February two " custom is analyzed in order to advance the research work of traditional festivals .

  18. 地方性的节日、节庆活动已经成为当前我国各级行政主体发展中一个重要的经济、社会和文化事项,其实也是当地传统文化、民间风俗和传统节日的复兴、重构和再生的过程。

    Local festivals and festival activities have already become an essential economic , social , and cultural event in our country . As a matter of fact , it is also a process of revival , restructuring and rebirth of the traditional culture .

  19. 就官方和民间的社祭互动来说,官方着意于对民间文化的驯化,民间则重在节日中的情绪宣泄。

    To official and unofficial social interaction for the festival , the official pains in the domestication of folk culture , folk festival is focusing on the emotional catharsis .