
  1. 我国民间固定资产投资增长的相关因素实证分析

    A Positive Factor Analysis of Increase of Private Fixed Asset Investment in China

  2. 对此,文章提出了有关促进民间固定资产投资增长政策的建议。

    Finally , this article provides suggestions for the promotion of private fixed asset .

  3. 文章从定量的角度,对民间固定资产投资的增长趋势、影响因素进行了实证分析。

    This article reports a quantitative study on factors influencing increase of Chinese private fixed asset investment .

  4. 分析表明:财政政策、货币政策、居民有效需求是影响民间固定资产投资增长的直接因素。

    The results show that fiscal policy , monetary policy and residents ' actual demand are direct factors .