
  1. 民族器乐曲标意性标题对创作表演和欣赏的积极作用

    About the Positive Roles of the Caption Titles of the Chinese Instrumental Music on Musical Creation , Performance and Appreciation

  2. 每一首作品都从调式调性、曲式结构、创作特征、表现内容等方面,对民族器乐曲及改编后的钢琴曲进行了细致地分析,指明了二者的联系与区别。

    The relations and differences between the national instrumental and piano arrangement are indicated by the analysis of the mode and tonality , structure of musical forms , composition features and content .

  3. 由声乐曲衍变成器乐曲是民族民间器乐曲发展的重要方面。

    It was an important way to develop the Chinese traditional instrumental pieces that derived them from the vocal ones .

  4. 琵琶名曲《海青拿天鹅》是作于元代的一首反映我国北方少数民族狩猎生活的器乐曲。

    The Pipa masterpiece in music " Hai Qing Hunting the Swan " is a musical piece reflecting the hunting life of the Northern Minorities of China in Yuan Dynasty .