
  • 网络Laser surgery;LASIK;PRK
  1. 复视、夜视障碍和眼睛干涩在给予激光手术病人的副作用说明资料里略为提及,但是Kantis和其他受害者说医生往往刻意掩盖这些风险。

    Double vision , night-vision disturbances and dry eye are among the side effects outlined in literature given to Lasik patients , but Kantis and others say physicians often gloss over the risks .

  2. 本来预定要在星期五发言的&说他的视力在1998年激光手术后受到了伤害。

    Dean Kantis , who is scheduled to speak Friday , says his vision has suffered since his Lasik surgery in1998 .

  3. 她做了眼部激光手术。

    She 's had laser surgery on her eye .

  4. 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。

    Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia .

  5. 两个相互竞争的激光手术系统正在美国进行临床试验。

    Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US .

  6. 关节式导光臂用卤化银光纤CO2激光手术刀头的研制

    Handpiece of Silver Halide Optical Fiber Using Articulated Arms for CO_2 Laser

  7. CO2激光手术治疗声门型喉癌疗效分析

    Evaluate the curative effect of CO_2 laser in treatment of glottic carcinoma

  8. CO2激光手术与传统手术在早期声门型喉癌治疗的比较

    Comparison between CO_2 laser treatment and traditional operation for early glottic cancer

  9. CO2及YAG激光手术治疗声门癌

    CO 2 and YAG Laser Surgery for the Treatment Glottis Carcinoma

  10. CO2激光手术20年

    Twenty Years of CO _ 2 Laser Surgery

  11. CO2激光手术治疗尖锐湿疣术后抗复发治疗的临床研究

    Anti-relapse Treatment in Patients with Condyloma Acuminatum after CO_2 Laser Operation : a Clinical Study

  12. 舌扁桃体肥大的CO2激光手术

    Lingual tonsillectomy with CO 2 laser

  13. 宫腔镜下Nd∶YAG激光手术治疗宫腔粘连

    Hysteroscopic Lysis of intrauterine Adhesions By Nd ∶ YAG Laser

  14. YJC-2型CO2激光手术刀导光光学系统的设计、工艺及检测

    The design , technology and test on optical system in the optical guide of co_2 laser scalpel

  15. 卤化银光纤CO2激光手术刀辐射草兔组织的实验观察

    The Experimental Research of the Tissue of Rabbit Caused by CO_2 Laser with Silver Halide Optical Fibers

  16. 目的探讨应用CO2激光手术治疗化脓性肉芽肿的疗效。

    Objective To study the treatment effector of CO2 laser operation to Granuloma Pyogenicum .

  17. 用于YAG激光手术的白光指引器

    A White Light Director for YAG Laser Fiberoptic Surgery

  18. 目的报告一种疗效较理想的CO2激光手术治疗多发性跖疣的方法。

    Objective To report an ideal method of CO 2 Laser light operation to treat multiple verrucosis .

  19. YAG激光手术中的麻醉问题

    Anesthesia in YAG laser operation

  20. 接触式激光手术刀出射光束的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Emergent Power Distribution of Contact Laser Scalpels

  21. 结论:单纯显微支撑喉镜下CO2激光手术与其联合干扰素治疗复发性小儿喉乳头状瘤均能延缓肿瘤复发。

    Conclusions : Both surgery alone treatment and combined with interferon treatment can delay the recurrence of laryngeal papillomatosis .

  22. 随着喉癌CO2激光手术的广泛开展,手术并发症的发生逐渐增多。

    With extensive development of CO2 laser surgery for tumors of the larynx , surgical complications have significantly increased .

  23. 纤维喉镜下声带粘膜病变Nd∶YAG激光手术并发症12例分析

    The Complications of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Treatment of Vocal Cord Mucosal Diseases Under Fibrolaryngoscope & 12 Cases Analysis

  24. 方法对520例喉肿瘤患者支撑喉镜下行CO2激光手术,术后进行并发症分析。

    METHODS The clinical data of520 patients who underwent CO2 laser assisted laryngeal microsurgery for laryngeal tumors were retrospectively analyzed .

  25. 结论鼻内窥镜下Nd∶YAG激光手术加放疗是治疗复发性和残余性鼻咽癌的有效手段。

    Conclusions Endoscopic Nd ∶ YAG laser therapy is a new effective method for the treatment of reccurent and residual nasopharyngeal cancer .

  26. 目的:研究应用自制CO2激光手术机对兔高眼压模型眼实施滤过性手术的安全性、有效性、可行性和优越性。

    Purpose : To study the security , feasibility , validity and superiority of performing filtering surgery by using a CO_2 laser device on rabbits intraocular hypertension model .

  27. 方法选实验狗10只,模拟支撑喉镜下CO2激光手术,按标准的喉垂直部分或声门上水平部分切除术的切除范围,完成喉垂直部分切除7只,声门上水平部分切除3只。

    Methods Ten experimental dogs were selected and received CO2 laser surgery with self-retaining laryngoscope . Vertical partial or supraglottic horizontal laryngectomy was performed according to the surgical criteria .

  28. 1978~1985年我院收治声门癌20例,经用CO2及YAG激光手术,取得较好疗效。

    Satisfactory results were obtained in all the 20 cases of glottic carcinoma treated with CO2 and YAG laser in 1978 - 1985 . The clinic material deals with statistical analysis .

  29. 分析准分子激光手术(LASIK或LASEK)引起波前像差改变的相关因素。

    To analyze the relative factors that keratorefractive surgery ( LASIK or LASEK ) changes the wavefront aberration .

  30. Nd-YAG激光手术治疗儿童颌面部血管瘤临床分析

    Maxillofacial Hemangioma in Children : A clinic Analysis of the Treatment by Nd : YAG Laser