
  • 网络Laser Detector
  1. 非晶硒化镉激光探测器的瞬态响应特性

    Performance of Transient Response of the Amorphous CdSe Laser Detector

  2. 非晶态硒化镉超快激光探测器

    An Ultrafast Laser Detector of Amorphous CdSe

  3. 让每个激光探测器的绿色灯光变亮。

    Turn on the green light in each of the laser detectors .

  4. 一种可用于连续或脉冲激光探测器的新型精密线性检测方法

    A new linearity test method for detector of CW or pulse laser

  5. 反激光探测器有什么用途提醒司机警方追缉超速驶来。

    Anti-Laser Detectors are what drivers use to warn of oncoming police hunting for speeders .

  6. 到达门的面板处,关闭激光探测器。

    And get to the door panel to stop the lasers from coming back on .

  7. 激光探测器的微波偏置的研究

    Study of laser detector microwave bias

  8. 要想考取中国驾照,申请人在路考时得成功避开激光探测器并停好车。

    The road test for a Chinese driver 's license requires the applicant to park while avoiding laser motion detectors .

  9. 本文通过对激光探测器微波偏置的研究,提出了实用的偏置方法,并给出了实验结果。

    Through study of laser detector microwave bias , the useful method of microwave bias is given . And the experimental results are given .

  10. 工程师在汽车的顶部安装了摄影机、雷达传感器和激光探测器,来帮助汽车自行导航行驶。

    According to a BBC report , such cars use video cameras mounted on the roof , radar sensors and a laser range finder to " see " other traffic .

  11. MATLAB偏微分工具箱在激光辐照探测器材料温升中的应用

    Applications of partial-differential equation toolbox of Matlab in thermal distribution of detector irradiation with high energy laser

  12. 报道了几种PZT系材料作热释电激光能量探测器研究的初步结果。

    Using the meterial of PZT series to research hte pyroelectric detector of laser energy have reported first results .

  13. 用波长为10.6μm的波段外CO2激光辐照探测器时,发现了一些与波段内激光辐照探测器时大不相同的实验现象;

    Some phenomena are observed when the HgCdTe ( PC ) detector is irradiated by off-band CW CO2 laser which is much different from that irradiated by in-band light ;

  14. ZnO是一种宽禁带直接带隙的半导体材料,在紫外发光与激光、探测器和太阳能电池等很多方面都具有非常广泛的应用。

    As one of the typical semiconductors with a wide and direct band gap , ZnO has a lot of applications such as ultraviolet lasers , ultraviolet photodetectors , and solar cells .

  15. 激光辐射探测器特性测试研究

    The study of the characteristic measurements for detector of laser radiation

  16. 高功率激光阵列探测器中光强分布复原方法

    Method of irradiance distribution recovery in the array detectors of high-power laser

  17. 基于半主动式激光制导探测器设计指标计算研究

    Research of calculate parameter of detector based on semi-active laser guidance weapon

  18. 二氧化碳激光能量探测器

    CO ^ 2 laser energy detector

  19. 在该模型的基础上模拟了介质中的温度场和热应力场瞬态分布,分析了脉冲激光对探测器材料的热应力损伤的机理。

    Based on this theoretical model , transient distributions of temperature field and thermal stress field are simulated .

  20. 利用数值方法,得到不同参数激光辐照探测器时的光生电动势,以及达到载流子饱和所需的激光阈值强度。

    By means of numerical method , the photon-induced voltage is obtained , as well as the carrier-saturation-threshold , which generated by laser beam irradiation with different parameters .

  21. 本文利用积分球系统进行了波段内和波段外组合激光辐照探测器和单晶硅的实验现象及相关耦合系数的测量研究。

    In this paper , we have carried out the study on the experimental phenomenon and the measurement of the coupling coefficient of the photoelectric detectors with combined laser irradiated based on the integrating sphere .

  22. 500fs超短脉冲激光对CCD探测器的破坏效应

    Damaged effect on CCD detector irradiated by 500 fs laser pulse

  23. 连续激光辐照CCD探测器饱和阈值研究

    Investigation of the CCD-detector 's Saturation Irradiated by Continuous Laser

  24. 强激光与PIN探测器相互作用的响应度研究

    Research on Responsivity of High Intensity Laser Interaction with PIN Detector

  25. 激光对CCD探测器干扰损伤的研究及模糊评估

    Study on Laser-induced CCD Detector Vulnerability and Survivability and Fussy Synthetic Evaluation on CCD Jamming Effects

  26. 强激光与PIN探测器作用表面形貌及损伤研究

    Researches on Intense Laser Indused Damage of the Photoelectric Detectors and Changes in the Surface Topography

  27. 本文对不同功率密度的激光辐照PIN探测器这一课题进行了系统的研究。

    The topic of irradiation on PIN detectors by laser of different power density was researched systematically .

  28. 组合激光增进CdS探测器对激光吸收的实验研究放射治疗中常规剂量的测算(之一)&吸收剂量的测量和加速器的刻度

    Experimental Study on Enhancing the Absorption of CdS Detector under Combined Laser Irradiation ; Measurement of Normal Dose in Radiotherapy ( 1 ) Measurement of Absorbed Dose and Dose Calibration of Medical Accelerator

  29. 激光对光伏探测器真空破坏的实验研究

    Experimental study about laser induced damage to photovoltaic detectors in vacuum

  30. 激光对光电探测器的破坏机理研究综述

    Review on the laser-induced damage mechanism study of photoelectric detectors