
jī ɡuānɡ tōnɡ xùn
  • laser communication
  1. 水下激光通讯发射接收系统

    The Transmitting and Receiving System for Underwater Laser Communication

  2. 圆偏振光偏振复用激光通讯系统

    Circularly Polarized Light Polarization Multiplexing Laser Communication System

  3. 星间激光通讯中的精跟踪研究

    Fine tracking in space laser communication

  4. 本文详细论证了在两个相对运动点之间采用圆偏振光实现偏振复用激光通讯的可行性。

    A detailed demonstration on the feasibility of using the circularly polarized light between two motion sites has been proved in the paper .

  5. 全固体激光器因其小型化、可靠性、高效性等优良性能广泛应用于医学、激光通讯、激光加工等领域。

    DPSSL are widely used in medical , optical communications , laser processing industry etc. because of their small size , reliability , efficiency and other excellent properties .

  6. 在激光通讯领域中,大气湍流是考虑的重要因素之一,它影响着光波的相位和振幅,引起波前畸变、光强闪烁、质心漂移以及光斑破损等一系列的效应,严重影响了系统的性能。

    In the field of laser communications , atmospheric turbulence is considered as an important factor , which affects the phase and amplitude of the light wave , causing the wavefront distortion , light flashes , centroid shift and spot damage and so on .

  7. 系统能有效的消除水下背景光的影响,并具有3~4个数量级动态范围的自动增益放大能力以更有效地接收水下激光通讯信号。

    In this system a special circuit is designed to remove the effect of the background light field , also an AGC ( automatic gain control ) amplifier with a dynamic range of 3  ̄ 4 orders of magnitude is in the system for more efficient detection .

  8. 传统的激光设备通讯方式主要采用并行接口,而随着技术的增强,新的通讯技术得到了广泛应用。

    The communication way for traditional laser equipment mainly uses parallel interface , novel communication technology has been applied widely due to the enhancement of technology .

  9. 因此,掺Yb3+石英光纤激光器在激光空间通讯、光纤传感、工业加工、医疗和国防军事等领域有广阔的应用前景。

    High-power Yb-doped fiber lasers have caused particular interest as a reliable , efficient and compact , low cost source for a variety of applications in industry , printers , free-space communication , national defense and so on .

  10. 激光水下通讯原理探究及部分实验

    The study of the theories of communications underwater and some experiments

  11. 美国激光对潜通讯研究10周年&现状及前景

    The Tenth Anniversary of the Submarine Laser Communications Program : Present and Future

  12. 激光是远距离通讯非常有用的工具,它的光束定向异常准确,能有效地利用少量的能源。

    The laser is a very useful means for long-distance communications , the great accuracy in the direction of its beams making effective use of small amounts of power .

  13. 激光微调在光通讯波导器件研制中的应用

    Application of Laser Trimming to the Research and Manufacture of Waveguide Devices

  14. 激光测距仪数据通讯处理技术的研究

    Study on data communication technique of the laser range-finder

  15. 激光加工设备的通讯技术分析

    Analysis on Communication Technology of Laser Processing Equipment

  16. 目前激光微调在光通讯波导器件的研制方面已得到了应用。

    Laser trimming technology has currently applied to the research and manufacture of diversified optical communication devices .

  17. 稀土离子在激光材料和光通讯材料及器件中有着广泛的应用。这些应用对电子结构的计算和作用机制的分析提出了要求。

    Applications of Rare-Earth ions in laser crystals and optical fibers require the calculation of the electronic structure and interaction mechanisms .

  18. 拉盖尔高斯光束在激光物理、光通讯、原子光学、电子加速、光学成像、光学捕获等领域都有着重要的应用价值。

    Laguerre-Gaussian beams ( LGB ) have important applications in laser physics , free-space optical communication , atom optics , electron acceleration and particles trapping asits special properties .

  19. 主要用于激光加工机、激光通讯、激光雷达、激光图像遥感、激光干扰、声光频谱分析等领域,产品已得到广泛应用。

    Mostly design to laser machine , laser communication , lidar , laser image remote sensing , laser jamming , acousto-optic spectral analysis region , product had been able to extensive use .

  20. 自适应光学技术在天文观测、强激光、光束合成、激光通讯和医学检测等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    Adaptive Optics ( AO ) has potential applications in many fields such as astronomical telescope , high energy laser , light beam combination , laser communication and medical ophthalmic detection .

  21. 随着光信息技术的高速发展,激光空间信息技术,如激光通讯、遥感和雷达等,也越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the rapid development of the optical information technology , laser spatial information technology such as laser communication , remote sensing and lidar attract more attention .

  22. 在许多激光应用领域中,如激光通讯、激光测距以及激光武器等,不可避免地会遇到激光束沿斜程路径大气(非均湍流)的传输问题。

    The propagation of laser beams along a slant path ( i.e. , non-homogeneity turbulence ) may encounter in many domains , such as optical communications , measuring , and laser weapons .

  23. 激光在大气中传输的理论和实验研究,对于激光通讯、激光测距、航空测绘、卫星遥感以及激光武器等领域有着十分重要的意义。

    The research of the theory and experiments of the laser beam propagation in the atmosphere is of great importance in the area of laser communication , laser survey , aviation mapping , satellite remote and laser weapons .

  24. 随着激光技术日趋成熟,激光在大气中的传输应用正受到各国日益广泛的重视,如激光通讯、激光雷达、激光武器、激光测距以及激光能量的输运等等。

    With the development of laser technology , the application of laser transmission in atmosphere has arouse more and more attention of every county , such as laser communication , laser radar , laser weapon , laser ranging and laser energy transport , etc. .

  25. 激光的产生和应用使现代科学和技术发生了重大变革,出现了一些新的学科和交叉学科,促进了激光加工,激光通讯和激光大气遥感等技术的发展。

    Generation and application of laser beams have induced rapid development of modern science and technology , resulted in emerging some new disciplines and cross-disciplines , and promoted the development of laser material processing , optical communication and remote sensing in atmosphere .