- 网络cataclysmic variable;CVs

Discovery of X-ray Selected AGNs , a White Dwarf and a Cataclysmic Variable
Su UMa-type dwarf novas belong to cataclysmic variable stars , whose character is magnified explosion , i.e. , super-explosion .
Active binaries and dMe stars ( RS CVn stars ; dMe stars ; Algol ; cataclysmic variables ; W UMa stars ; active supergiants );
By identifying the optical objects of the ROSAT bright X - ray sources , 7 cataclysmic variables ( CVs ) have been discovered .
Using more data than Warner et al . , we perform statistics on the period distribution of CVs whose period is lower than the orbital period gap .
By PCA dimension reduction , the high dimensional data space has been greatly reduced , and after that , BP ANN is used to screen out rare celestial objects with high accuracy . In this way , the training time becomes shorter .
Comprehensive analysis and compare the test results obtained on the various methods on time , star-rate , The results obtained on the various methods for time , star-rate , etc. Different methods select its cataclysmic variable star candidates , and analyze the causes .
Though the result differs from that of Warner et al . , the period distribution appears related with magnet . Both magnetic CVs ( MCVs ) and the nonmagnetic CVs ( NMCVs ) show a tendency of clustering .
The Problem of the Boundary Layer of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Variables
A Radiation Model for Multi-color Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables
Newly Statistics on the Period Distribution of Short-Period CVs
The spectroscopic study of cataclysmic variable 0623 + 71
Rapid Variations in Brightness of Cataclysmic Variables
Multi-waveband Studies of Cataclysmic Variables (ⅰ)
A test for the spectral analysis of gapped time series and its application in analysing the short period oscillations of cataclysmic variables
In this paper , the low - dispersion spectrums of the 7 CVs and discuss their spectroscopic and other properties were given .
The method can be used not only to search the Cataclysmic Variable stars but also to find other types of special objects .
In this paper , we introduce some observational characteristics about Cataclysmic Variable at the radio , infrared and optical band , such as flux distribution , light curve , hump phenomenon and flickering . We also present some simple theoretical explanations of them .
Stellar spectra are characterized by obvious absorption lines or absorption bands , while those with emission lines are usually special stars such as Cataclysmic Variable stars ( CVs ), HerbigAe / Be etc. The further study of this kind of spectra is meaningful .
A CCD Light Curve of the Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable PG0027 + 260