
jī sù shēnɡ chénɡ
  • Hormone production;hormonogenesis
  1. 目的:研究在卵泡发育和闭锁过程中,卵巢的肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)及其与甾体激素生成的相互作用。

    To investigate the relationship between the renin angiotensin system ( RAS ) and steroidogenesis during the follicular development and atresia .

  2. 本文观察了RU486和ZK98734对培养在羊膜双池培养系统中的猪卵巢颗粒细胞和内泡膜细胞在甾体激素生成过程中的影响。

    The effect of Mifepristone ( RU486 ) and Lilopristone ( ZK98734 ) on the steroidogenesis func-tion was studied at porcine granulosa cells ( G-C ) and thecal cells ( T-C ) cultured in an amnion dual chamber system which was prepared with the amnion membrane from human placenta .

  3. 前列腺素和γ干扰素对人黄体细胞甾体激素生成的影响及相互作用

    Effects and interactions of Prostaglandins and Interferon - γ on Steroidogenesis of Human Luteal Cells

  4. 血管紧张素-Ⅱ对肾上腺糖皮质激素生成的影响及其机制研究

    Effect of angiotensin - ⅱ on the adrenal glucocorticoids production and the studies of its mechanisms

  5. 研究还深入解释说,静坐会扰乱骨骼肌正常激素生成,对身体其他器官组织有潜在的负面影响。

    The study went on to explain that sitting down can disrupt the skeletal muscle 's normal hormone production , with potential negative impacts on other body organs and tissues .

  6. IGF-I促进甾体激素的生成、促进细胞增殖、抑制细胞凋亡,与多种肿瘤的发生有关。

    IGF-I can motivate steroid harmonic production , cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis , and it is concerned with much tumor .

  7. 本文以植物内源激素乙烯生成路径为依据,提出并建立以高效液相色谱为主体的ACC合酶活性检测体系,利用电喷雾电离质谱(ESI-MS),对体系的可靠性进行了验证。

    Based on the biosynthesis pathway of ethylene , a new system using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) system has been put forward and set up to measure the activity of ACC Synthase directly . ESI-MS results had further testified the reliability of this system .

  8. 本文结果提示酮康唑可以使睾丸和肾上腺的类固醇激素的生成减低,继而使垂体促黄体素、促肾上腺皮质素反馈性增高。

    The present study indicates that ketoconazole may inhibit the biosynthesis of both testicular and adrenal steroids and thereby cause feedback increases of the productions of pituitary LH and ACTH .

  9. 雌二醇、孕酮、泌乳素、卵泡刺激素和黄体生成素无明显变化(P>0.05)。

    The levels of estradiol , progesterone , prolactin , follicle stimulating hormone , and luteinizing hormone showed no significant differences between patients and control subjucts ( P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 国际奥委会药物委员会了一项测试来检测违禁使用合成激素红细胞生成素(简称EPO)的情况。

    The IOC Medical Commission has approved a test to detect the use of the banned synthetic hormone erythropoietin , or EPO .

  11. 更深一步的,依据这几种癌症各自的特点,对前列腺癌中激素和血管生成相关等方面,对脑膜瘤中男女病人比例差异、辐射影响和HIV病毒因素等方面进行了分析和探讨。

    Last but not the least , according the specialties of these cancers , we discussed the differentially expressed genes of prostate cancer in hormone and angiogenesis and of meningioma in sexual difference , radiation and HIV effect .

  12. 促卵泡生成激素和促黄体生成激素治疗前后无显著性差异。人促卵泡生成激素IRMA法与RIA法对比的实验观察

    There were no significant differences in FSH and LH between values before and after therapy . The Establishment of FSH IRMA and Its Comparison with FSH RIA

  13. 最近,自行车手服用人造的激素促红细胞生成素或称作EPO使耐力增强。EPO刺激红细胞生成,增大血液载养量。

    More recently , cyclists have boosted their endurance with the use of an artificial version of the hormone erythropoietin , or EPO , which stimulates red blood cell production and boosts the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood .

  14. 泰和鸡母鸡外周血浆人绒毛膜促性腺激素/黄体生成素样活性物和雌激素含量的变化

    Variations in concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin / luteinizing hormone-like active matter and estrogen in peripheral plasma of Taihe hens

  15. 结果末次研究已遗精组血清瘦素、睾酮、促卵泡成熟激素、黄体生成激素水平均明显高于未遗精组。

    Results The levels of serum leptin , testosterone , FSH and LH of schoolboys with spermatorrhea were significantly higher than those of schoolboys without spermatorrhea .

  16. 用放射免疫法或免疫放射法测定血清生殖激素指标:促黄体生成激素(LH)、促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)、雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T);

    The serum genital hormone Luteinizing Hormone ( LH ), Follicle Stimulating Hormone ( FSH ), Estradiol ( E2 ) and Testosterone ( T );

  17. 血清甲状腺激素水平与抗体生成量的关系

    Relationship between the levels of thyroid hormones in sera and antibody production

  18. 从而影响促性腺激素释放激素及黄体生成素的水平。

    Either of two hormones of the pituitary gland , luteinizing ' . 'hormone ' .