
jī jìn zhǔ yì
  • radicalism;activism
  1. 戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。

    He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism

  2. 他的激进主义与拒绝妥协使他受到孤立。

    His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him

  3. 他相信通过政治激进主义可以赢得正义。

    He believed in political activism to achieve justice .

  4. 20世纪60年代的社会激进主义似乎只是一个模糊的记忆。

    It seems that the ' 60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory .

  5. 这个问题首先出现在克林顿(Clinton)政府时期的科索沃危机上;近来苏丹、伊朗及缅甸问题上的僵局增加了激进主义者的不满。

    The problem first arose under the Clinton administration with Kosovo ; recent stalemates over Sudan , Iran and Burma have increased the activists ' dissatisfaction .

  6. 但在幕后,这个18世纪改革家托马斯潘恩(thomaspaine)的故乡正在实践其社会激进主义的传统。

    But behind the scenes the hometown of 18th-century reformer Thomas Paine is living up to his tradition of social radicalism .

  7. Wikileaks是一个发布匿名信息和敏感文档的站点,支持激进主义者和举报者。

    Wikileaks is a site for publishing anonymous leaks and sensitive documents , supporting activism and whistle-blowing .

  8. 个人立场:开小排量汽车,使用节能灯泡,并表示他消耗的能源大概比华盛顿那些开着梅赛德斯(Mercedes)的气候变化激进主义分子要少。

    Personal stance : Drives a small car , uses energy-saving lightbulbs and says he probably uses less energy than the climate change activists in Washington with their Mercedes .

  9. 以及PaulRobeson,以政治激进主义为乐,并为Belafonte打造了一条政治道路。

    and Paul Robeson , whose combination of entertainment and political activism forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow .

  10. 我看到有篇文章说,苹果的现金储备差不多等于整个匈牙利的GDP,所以也许某个激进主义的股东应该推动苹果收购匈牙利,而不是干些小打小闹的事情(比如增加股息,或者发行优先股)。

    I had read somewhere that Apple 's cash pile was equivalent to Hungary 's GDP so perhaps an activist shareholder should push an acquisition of Hungary rather than thinking small ( e.g. , increasing dividends or issuing preferred stock ) .

  11. 德国司法部长海科·马斯(HeikoMaas)呼吁德国民众“与激进主义战斗,不管它来自哪里”。

    Justice Minister Heiko Maas called on Germans " to fight radicalism , regardless of where it comes from . "

  12. Wikileaks是一个针对激进主义者,举报者和其他想要匿名发布政府、企业或其他组织希望保密的机密文档的人员的wiki。

    Wikileaks is a wiki for activists , whistle-blowers , and others who want to anonymously publish sensitive documents kept secret by governments , corporations , or other organizations .

  13. 答:有的,我在20世纪80年代是个和平激进主义者,在那时候,和平和正义是我所在组织的根深蒂固的主题,因此我们与白宫和FBI(中央情报局)呈敌对的关系。

    A : Well , I was a peace activist in the1980s , and at that time grass-roots organizations working on peace and justice were in an adversarial relationship with the White House and the FBI .

  14. 而这些人都曾从Sj?wall和Wahl??那里吸取养分。这对夫妇是激进主义记者,每天晚上在安排孩子睡下之后他们便坐下来写作。

    They all owe a debt to Maj Sj ? wall and Per Wahl ? ? , a couple of radical journalists who would sit and write every evening after putting the children to bed .

  15. 哥本哈根大学教授,电影史学家卡斯帕·提布约根(CasperTybjerg)说,19世纪的文化激进主义对维多利亚时代的性压抑持批判态度,对丹麦有着深远影响。

    The 19th century concept of cultural radicalism , with its critical attitude toward Victorian sexual restraint , has been incredibly influential , said the film historian Casper Tybjerg , a professor at the University of Copenhagen .

  16. 今年,几位新闻摄影师新秀引起公众关注,其中有莫萨·阿布·埃尔莎米(Mosa’abElshamy),其作品记录了开罗解放广场的血腥示威场面,丹尼尔·埃特(DanielEtter)创作土耳其激烈冲突的经典一幕,四月末,激进主义家兼摄影师塔斯利马·阿赫特尔(TaslimaAkhter)

    The news has introduced to us several emerging photographers this year , including Mosa'ab Elshamy who documented the bloody demonstrations in Cairo 's Rabaa Square , and Daniel Etter , who made an iconic photograph during the Turkish uprising .

  17. 然而,尽管Robeson的激进主义使他盲目崇尚早期冷战偏执、黑名单、以及麦卡锡主义,Belafonte则更幸运:他事业的成就或多或少与他参与美国人权运动有关。

    But whereas Robeson 's activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia , blacklists and McCarthyism , Mr Belafonte was luckier : his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement .

  18. 重新认识世界产联和美国工人阶级激进主义

    The IWW and American Working Class Radicalism : A New Perspective

  19. 她的研究发现社会学家有自由主义和激进主义倾向。

    Her study found that sociologists tended towards liberalism and radicalism .

  20. 他的激进主义并未扩展到经济学领域。

    His radicalism did not extend to the sphere of economics .

  21. 转轨经济的路径选择:渐进式变迁与激进主义

    Path Choice in Transitional Economy : Gradual Change and Radical Change

  22. 另一个则是保罗·罗贝孙,他将娱乐与政治激进主义糅合,铺下前路,好让贝拉方特遵循。

    and Paul Robeson , whose combination of entertainment and political activism

  23. 他严词申斥他们是一伙激进主义分子。

    He roundly abused them for being a pack of radicals .

  24. 一九八八年被释放后他仍然继续他的激进主义行为。

    He continued his activism after returning in nineteen eighty-eight .

  25. 政治激进主义在中国演变的历史轨迹

    Political Radicalism in the Evolution of China ′ s History

  26. 激进主义对20世纪中国文学的影响(上)

    Influence of Radicalism Upon Chinese Literature of 20th Century ( I );

  27. 他还是一位政治上的激进主义者,为了自由事业而斗争。

    He was also a political activist who fought for liberal causes .

  28. 这些情绪源于激进主义传统。

    These sentiments were rooted in the tradition of radicalism .

  29. 教育带来知识界的骚动,促使激进主义具有了吸引力。

    Education produced intellectual ferment and the temptations of radicalism .

  30. 一九六七年战争以后,阿拉伯的激进主义飞速地在增长。

    Arab radicalism grew exponentially in the wake of the 1967 war .