
  • 网络irrigation methods
  1. 不同灌溉方法对保护地土壤温度的影响

    Effect of Different Irrigation Methods on Soil Temperature in Greenhouse

  2. 对喷灌系统与改进的地面灌溉方法进行了多种因素比较。

    Some factors were compared between sprinkler system and improved surface irrigation methods .

  3. 改革传统的种植、施肥和灌溉方法;

    To reform conventional methods of cultivating , fertilizing and irrigating ;

  4. 额济纳荒漠绿洲高效节水灌溉方法研究

    Study on the Efficient Saving on Water Irrigation Ways in Ejina Oasis

  5. 灌溉方法对番茄生长发育及吸收能力的影响

    Effects of irrigation method on growth , development and activity of tomato roots

  6. 灌溉方法对保护地土壤有机氮矿化特性的影响

    Effect of irrigation methods on mineralization of soil organic nitrogen in Protected Field

  7. 灌溉方法和施氮量对黄瓜产量和水分利用效率影响显著。

    Irrigation method and nitrogen amount effect cucumber yield and water use efficiency significantly .

  8. 而两灌溉方法相比节点渗灌处理高于普通渗灌处理。

    Compared with common subsurface irrigation , sectional subsurface irrigation is higher . 3 .

  9. 吉林东部丘陵区烤烟优化灌溉方法的研究

    Research of the flue-cured tobacco optimization irrigation methods in eastern hilly region of Jilin Province

  10. 模糊优选决策理论在沈阳地区节水灌溉方法选择中的应用

    Application of the Obscure Optimal Option Theory in the Selecting of the Water Saving Irrigation Types

  11. 灌溉方法对保护地土壤耗水量与番茄水分利用效率的影响

    Effect of Irrigation Methods on Soil Water Loss and Water Use Efficiency of Tomato in Greenhouse

  12. 它是现代各种灌溉方法中,水的利用率最高的一种灌溉技术。

    It is one of the best irrigation techniques of water-utilization efficiency in all modern irrigation methods .

  13. 不同灌溉方法对日光温室番茄生长、品质和产量的影响

    Effect of Different Irrigation Methods on Plant Growth , Fruit Quality and Yield of Tomato in Greenhouse

  14. 每个灌溉方法设置三个灌溉定额,由蒸发皿蒸发量和蒸发皿系数确定。

    Each irrigation method consists of three quotas : which were determined by pan evaporation and pan coefficients .

  15. 草坪与其它农作物的作物系数接近,从而科学证明草坪只要灌溉方法适当,其用水量与大田作物相当。

    If irrigated properly , the water consumption of turf-grasses was no more than that of the crops .

  16. 由该灌溉方法,进行水力自动装置的初步设计,并研制相应的自动装置。

    We design water automatic control at first , and then research relevant automatic device by this approach .

  17. 使用的灌溉方法要考虑到水资源的可持续性和水的质量。

    Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water .

  18. 新的灌溉方法预期将使小麦产量翻倍,而使用的水量仅为三分之一。

    New irrigation methods are expected to double wheat production while using one-third of the water d for full irrigation .

  19. 不同灌溉方法和不同施氮量处理对黄瓜生理代谢(叶绿素含量、根系活力)影响不同。

    Cucumber physiological indexes ( chlorophyll content , root activity ) in different irrigation methods and different nitrogen amount treatment are different .

  20. 旱地耕作法:指一种在干旱或半干旱土地上不使用灌溉方法生产作物的耕作制度。

    Dry farming ; dryland farming : A system of producing crops in arid and semiarid regions without the use of irrigation .

  21. 结果表明:不同灌溉方法对番茄的株高、茎粗均无明显影响,而对果实膨大速度影响显著。

    Results showed that different irrigation methods were not related to plant height and plant stem of tomato significantly , but related to fruit diameter significantly .

  22. 但是不合理的水资源管理制度、落后的灌溉方法和产业结构等使水资源的利用很不合理,灌溉水的利用率低下。

    Moreover , irrational water resources regime , out of date irrigation methods and industrial structure and so on contribute to the waste of water . ③ water resources ;

  23. 简要介绍了膜上灌水技术的形式和采用的灌溉方法,阐述了膜上灌的节水机理以及所取得的成效。

    This paper briefly introduces the form of mrigation technology on the membrance and adopted irrigation method and presents water saving mechanism of irrigation on the membrance and received results .

  24. 作物根系分区交替灌溉方法的提出开辟了节水灌溉的新思路,该方法具有明显的节水、增产、提高水分利用效率的优点。

    The technique of Controlled Roots-divided Alternate Irrigation ( CRAI ) is new idea of water-saving irrigation , which have some advantages in water-saving , increasing production , improving water use efficiency .

  25. 地面灌溉方法主要包括畦灌、沟灌、淹灌、漫灌等,其优点是操作简便,管理成本低;缺点是灌溉效率低,灌水过程中水量损失大。

    Surface irrigation methods include border irrigation , furrow irrigation , basin irrigation , flood irrigation , which advantages are simple operation , low cost management and disadvantages are low irrigation efficiency , large water loss during the irrigation process .

  26. 近年来,由于水资源的短缺影响农业生产,而城市污水中含有植物所需的营养元素,有条件的地区以污水为水源的灌溉方法成为节约水资源的重要手段。

    In recent years , the shortage of water resources influenced agricultural production , and city sewage contained nutrient elements which was plants needed , therefore , with sewage water irrigation as the important means to save water in conditional area .

  27. 同一灌溉方法、不同施氮量比较,以375kg.hm-2施肥水平最高,施氮量过多造成氮素在土壤中的残留或流失,反而降低了氮肥利用率。

    In the different nitrogen amount and the same irrigation method , nitrogen recovery efficiency and nitrogen agronomic efficency of treatment 375kgN · ha-1 is highest . Excess nitrogen amount causes too much nitrogen residual or loss in soil , then reduces nitrogen use efficiency . 5 .

  28. 膜孔灌溉评价方法的研究

    The Study of Evaluation Method for On-film Irrigation

  29. 进行了节水灌溉分区方法研究。

    The results of the study are as follows : 1 . The zoning method for water-saving irrigation is discussed .

  30. 蓄水坑灌法是一种具有水土保持作用的山丘区果林灌溉新方法。

    Pit irrigation is a new method that can check soil erosion suitable for fruit tree and forest in gully and hilly .