
huǒ chái hé
  • matchbox
火柴盒[huǒ chái hé]
  1. 我没告诉过你把火柴盒放下吗?

    Didn 't I teii you to put the matchbox down ?

  2. 小狗大概只有火柴盒那么大。

    He was approximately the size of a matchbox .

  3. 与之相反,我最小的弟弟收集火柴盒。

    On the other hand , my youngest brother collects matchboxes .

  4. 我有收藏火柴盒的爱好。

    I took up with the hobby of collecting match boxes .

  5. 它只是带着几个数字的火柴盒。

    It 's just a matchbook with someone 's number .

  6. 手里握着的火柴盒掉到了地上。

    She dropped the box of matches on the ground .

  7. 我可不想买有些住宅区里破火柴盒似的小屋。

    I refuse to buy a grotty little box on some estate .

  8. 她吃力地打开火柴盒,很快又点燃另一根火柴。

    She struggled with the box of matches and quickly lit another one .

  9. 我得到一间像火柴盒大小的房间。

    I 've got a matchbox of a room .

  10. 我收集火柴盒和奇形怪状的石头。

    I collect matchboxes and strangely shaped stones .

  11. 为什么说空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西。

    Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world ?

  12. 桌上有一个火柴盒,半开着,在墨水瓶旁边,他右手插在兜里,朝窗户走去。

    With his right hand in his pocket he moved across to the window .

  13. 不然你会焦躁不安,会得萎缩症,然后缩得跟火柴盒一样。

    Otherwise you might get anthrax and shrink to the size of a matchbox .

  14. 这可不是大多数孩子玩的火柴盒汽车或电动玩具赛道。

    These aren 't the matchbox cars and electric toy racetracks most kids play with .

  15. 该公司的产品包括芭比娃娃签名和热车的车轮和火柴盒。

    The firm 's signature products include Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars .

  16. 两款相机都是火柴盒大小,都有一个偏离机身中心的超广角镜头和两个较大的控制按钮。

    Both are matchbox size with an off-centre fisheye lens and two big control buttons .

  17. 他知道我收集火柴盒,于是问我收藏的火柴盒是否在增加。

    He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing .

  18. 任何东西都比不上发现一只新的火柴盒更使他高兴。

    Nothing makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection .

  19. 将火柴盒投掷进杯中,或者使用机会卡,树调动人就要选择赔钱或是脱掉衣服。

    Toss the matchbox into the glass or take a chance card and lose your clothes .

  20. 他有差不多600只火柴盒,但我怀疑它们一文不值。

    He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth any money .

  21. 火柴盒托架,瓷或白坯瓷制

    Matchbox holder of porcelain or china

  22. 我也喜欢集邮,收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。

    I also like to collect stamps , post cards , coins , and match boxes .

  23. 根据火柴盒的大小来判断你应该食用的葡萄干的数量。

    Judge the number of raisins you should be eating by the size of a matchbox .

  24. 火柴盒的名字让人联想到1950年代后期至1980年代初的童年时代。

    The name Matchbox is redolent of any childhood from the late 1950s to the early 1980s .

  25. 一家走背字的火柴盒制造商受到从中国进口火柴盒的严重冲击,中国火柴盒包括运费也仅有其价格的五分之一。

    One unfortunate matchbox manufacturer was undercut by Chinese imports at one-fifth of the price , including shipping .

  26. 我收集的火柴盒成为纪念品,使我想起我曾经去过的地方。

    My collection of post card serves as a souvenir to remind me of places I 've been to .

  27. 找一些类似火柴盒简单形状的东西,或者牙膏盖之类。

    Look for simple shapes like a matchbox , or the lid of a tube of toothpaste , a q-tip .

  28. 他说他认为它可以改造成一个纸板火柴盒大小的装置,用于在现场测试水。

    He said he envisaged that it could be engineered into a matchbook-sized device to test water on the spot .

  29. 法国十项全能选手精神失常,被发现时周围有1812个火柴盒全是空的,除了这一个。

    A French decathlete found completely out of his mind , surrounded by 1812 matchboxes , all empty except this one .

  30. 我认识很多巨蟹座的男人都有收集的嗜好,有的收藏古董、还有的收集火柴盒。

    I know a lot of Cancer of the men have collected hobbies , and some antique collectors , the collection of matchbook .