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  • wax oil
  1. 黄青线蜡油及高酸DARBLEND油输送技术

    Transport Technology Used for Huang-qing Pipeline Wax Oil and Highly Acidic DAR BLEND Oil

  2. 多方案生产表明:该装置在不掺脱沥青油(DAO)及掺DAO条件下可生产重整料、精制柴油、精制蜡油;

    Meanwhile , sour feedstock partial sulfurization technology is briefly introduced . Multi-scheme production shows that reformer stock , refined diesel and refined wax oil can be produced by the unit both with and without DAO blending .

  3. 彩色蜡烛在家具上留下一摊摊蜡油。

    There were coloured candles which had spread pools of wax on the furniture

  4. 涂一点蜡油。

    Apply a little wax polish .

  5. 用化学絮凝法和SBR法对焦化蜡油精制废水进行处理。

    Treating the oil refining wastewater by flocculation and sbr was studied .

  6. 从各项经济指标来比较,认为渣油选取延迟焦化或ART方法是有利的,而减压蜡油以选取催化裂化方法为最佳。

    The result of economic feasibility comparison indicates that the delayed coking or ART process is preferred for residue and FCC process is preferred for VGO .

  7. 这一研究结果将为更好地掺炼焦化蜡油作FCC原料提供重要的参考数据。

    It provides important reference data for blending coke gas oil as FCC feedstock .

  8. 焦化蜡油络合脱氮-蜡催组合工艺研究聚丙烯蜡接枝丙烯酸钠的合成及其对PET的成核作用

    Combining process of complex denitrifying and FCC treating coke wax oil Synthesis of Sodium Acrylate Grafted Polypropylene Wax and Its Nucleating Effect on Crystallization of PET

  9. 掺炼后的焦化蜡油仍符合催化裂化进料标准,掺炼后石油焦从三A级变为三B级,但仍能作为燃料处理。

    The wax oil from after-mixing was still accord with the standard of catalytic cracking feedstock . The coke turned to 3B from 3A , but it still could be used as fuel .

  10. 1H-NMR法结合经典柱层析法,对南京炼油厂加氢尾油、催化油浆、重催油浆和催化重焦蜡油进行了研究。

    An analysis for the heavy oil of Nanjing Refinery by 1 H-NMR spectra and column chromatography have been carried out .

  11. 研究了焦化蜡油中碱性氮化物质量分数w(Nb)的变化对裂化产品的分布及原料转化率的影响规律。

    The effect law which is the mass fraction change of basic nitrogen compound of CGO for the distribution of cracking products and the feedstock conversion was studied .

  12. 应用PIMS模型优化蜡油加工方案

    Optimization of wax oil processing scheme by using PIMS model

  13. 而且,CO转化率,C5+选择性及产物中的蜡油比均随着HMS载体孔径的增大而升高。

    Also , CO conversion , C 5 + selectivity , and m ( wax ) / m ( oil ) increase with the increase of HMS pore size .

  14. 开发了以蜡油、蜡油掺渣油或常压渣油等重油为原料直接生产乙烯和丙烯的催化热裂解(CPP)工艺技术。

    A novel catalytic conversion technology , Catalytic Pyrolysis Process ( CPP ), has been developed for directly converting heavy hydrocarbons to ethylene and propylene .

  15. 选用甲酸/H2O2为催化氧化体系,DMF为抽提溶剂,在超声波的作用下,催化氧化脱除直馏蜡油中的硫化物。

    Formic acid / H2O2 catalysis oxidation system was used to remove organo-sulfur compounds in VGO with assistance of ultrasound irradiation and DMF as extraction solvent .

  16. 1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置加工焦化蜡油生产技术总结

    Summary on Production Technology of 1.4Mt/a Hydrocracking Plant Processing Coker Gatch

  17. 加氢装置改造及RN-32V蜡油加氢催化剂的工业应用

    Revamping of hydrotreating unit and commercial application of rn-32v gas oil hydrotreating catalyst

  18. 结果采用灌胃给予次黄嘌呤,皮下注射以羊毛脂石蜡油为溶剂配制的尿酸酶抑制剂,可使受试动物血尿酸值明显高于空白对照组(P<0.01),且可维持12h。

    Results Hypoxanthine was administered via stomach , while uricase inhibitor was injected subcutaneously by lanolin mixed with olefin , which made the uric acid in serum higher than control group about 12 hours .

  19. BEM-7H-C原油降凝剂在长输蜡油中的应用

    Application of BEM-7H-C Crude Oil Pour Depressant in Wax Oil Long Distance Transport

  20. 采用石油大学重质油研究室提供的TTS脱氮剂对大庆减二线脱蜡油进行了脱氮实验,考察了增加脱氮工艺对油品质量的影响。

    The research results show that TTS denitrogenation agent is of a good denitrogenation effect , and the amount of clay could be reduced by2 % - 3 % with the introduction of the denitrogenation technology .

  21. 蜡油加氢装置E-103出口弯头破裂原因分析

    Analysis on Burst Reason of a Bend of E-103 Outlet Pipe in Petrolatum Oil Hydrogenation Unit

  22. 以高含蜡油为原料,采用加氢异构法生产UHVI润滑油基础油。

    With the high wax-bearing oil as feedstock , the UHVI lube base oil can be obtained through hydroisomerizing process .

  23. 结果表明,乙二酸与焦化蜡油中碱性氮化物的反应是2级反应,二者反应分级数均为1级,反应的活化能为26.7kJmol,从而确定了该反应的动力学方程式。

    The results show that the total reaction order of oxalic acid with basic nitrogen compound which are contained in the coking gas oil is 2 , and the order of tow reactants are 1 respectively . The reaction 's active energy is 26.67 kJ · mol - 1 .

  24. Fe-MCM-41分子筛的合成及应用&催化氧化环己烷制环己酮选用甲酸/H2O2为催化氧化体系,DMF为抽提溶剂,在超声波的作用下,催化氧化脱除直馏蜡油中的硫化物。

    Synthesis and Application of Fe-MCM-41 Molecular Sieves : Cyclohexane Catalysis Oxidation Into Cyclohexanone Formic acid / H2O2 catalysis oxidation system was used to remove organo-sulfur compounds in VGO with assistance of ultrasound irradiation and DMF as extraction solvent .

  25. 然后针对RVHT蜡油加氢技术和RN-32V催化剂在国内相关企业的使用情况,和标定报告进行了分析对比,找出这项技术和催化剂的优点。

    We find out the merit of this technology and catalyst base on the analysis of the service condition of RVHT hydrogenation technology and RN-32V catalyst in domestic enterprises and the calibration report .

  26. 分析了掺炼焦化蜡油(CGO)对催化裂化装置产品分布的影响,针对FCC装置掺炼CGO所存在的问题,评述了FCC提高CGO掺炼比所应采取的一些技术措施。

    The paper analyzes effects of blending coker gas oil into FCC feed on product profile , and comments on some technical measures to improve coker gas oil blending rate in FCC feed aiming at some problems taking place when blending coker gas oil into FCC feed .

  27. 合成鲸蜡油表面张力小,乳液粒子的大小在10-100nm之间,磺化羊毛脂乳液粒子的大小在20-100nm之间。

    The surface tension of synthesized whale wax oil was low and the particle size range of the oil was 10-100 nm . Particle size range of sulfonation lanolin was 20-100 nm .

  28. 在最佳氧化抽提条件下对直馏蜡油进行氧化脱硫,9min内就可以使脱硫率达到75%以上,油收率在90%以上。

    Under optimum conditions of oxidation , extraction and ultrasound irradiation , 75 % sulfur in VGO is removed in 9 min and the yield of the desulfurized VGO is 90 % .

  29. 方法采用载体定性杀菌试验方法,对石蜡油分别用下排气式压力蒸汽灭菌、干热灭菌、Co60γ射线辐照灭菌的多种方法进行测试并比较其结果。

    METHODS By using carrier qualitative germicidal test , to compare pressure steam sterilization , dry heat sterilization and cobalt-60 ( gamma ) - ray radiation sterilization to test the sterilizing effect and operating procedure .

  30. 再次,通过分析和解释了RVHT蜡油加氢技术和RN-32V催化剂的特点,阐述了RVHT蜡油加氢技术的开发及工业试验情况,RN-32V催化剂的制备情况,就国内外各种混合原料的工业试验情况。

    Thirdly , we elaborate the situation about developments and result of industrial test of hydrogenation technology of wax and the production of RN-32V catalyst according the analysis and explanation of the feature of RVHT hydrogenation technology and RN-32V catalyst .