
  1. 要是等到晚上,蜡烛会燃光的。

    If I stay till evening my candle may go out .

  2. 在每满月,女孩被烧的香火和蜡蜡烛会崇拜月亮。

    On every full moon , the girl would burned incenses and wax candles to worship the moon .

  3. 其实蜡烛会非常助兴,要是你想来一段“辣身舞”的话。

    Although , candles can be nice if you 're in the mood for , say , some Dirty Dancing .

  4. 她的遗骨会安息在恩泽之庙中,一百根蜡烛会日夜不停的燃烧以纪念她。

    Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces , and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory .

  5. 另外,如果对方向你走来见面的一刻即将到来时,你也可以点一些有香气的蜡烛,会有也会起到相同的效果。

    Otherwise , if your date is coming to you , then you can light a few scented candles for the same effect .

  6. 有了这个蜡烛,我会根据你在黑暗中。

    With this candle , I will light you in darkness .

  7. 邻居家有蜡烛,晚上会有亮光,但是亮光却照不到他的家里。

    Every evening he could see the candle-light from his neighbor , but the light could not reach his home .

  8. 对于&些特别的生日或者由于蜡烛的数目会有引起火灾的风险,特殊的蜡烛或许会取代实际的多个小蜡烛。

    For some special birthday or because the number of candles will be the risk of fire , special candles will be replaced by the actual number of small candles .

  9. 科学家们尚不能肯定其中原因,但我们都确信在灯光柔和的房间里或看着几支闪烁的蜡烛,我们会有祥和温馨的感觉。

    Scientists aren 't quite sure why it happens , but we all know it 's true : sitting in a softly lit room or looking at a cluster of glowing candles makes us feel peaceful and cozy .

  10. 蜡烛熄灭后仍会散发馀香,故别立刻盖上盖子。

    To allow diffuse of remaining scent , don 't put the lid on immediately after fire out .

  11. 想想如果一根蜡烛倒下,是会熄灭还是会把一切都烧掉?这一点很重要。

    " It is important to think about what could happen if a candle falls , is bumped , or burns all the way down ," she says .

  12. 告诉迪莉娅,我们在那里替你们每个人给圣母玛利亚献了一支蜡烛,并且我们会给她带回一串那里的念珠,我和妈妈后来爬上了高塔。

    Tell Delia that we offered a candle to the Virgin Mary for each of you there , and that we are bringing her back a rosary from there also . Mummy and I climbed the tower later .

  13. 苏珊说,每当轮到汉娜点第一支蜡烛时,她总是逗弄苏珊说,她点的蜡烛会比苏珊点的燃得时间更长些,更亮些。

    Susan said that whenever it was Hannah 's turn to light the first candle , she 'd always tease Susan that the candles she lit would burn longer and brighter than when Susan lit them .