
  • 网络The train moved off.
  1. 火车开了。

    The train moved off .

  2. 火车开了他才到车站。

    The train had left before he got to the station .

  3. 最后一班火车开了,他只好乘公共汽车。

    The last train having gone , he could but take the bus .

  4. 火车开了以后,售票员很快就来收票。

    Shortly after the train departed , the conductor came around collecting tickets .

  5. 他来到一座桥前时,听见一列火车开了过来。

    As he came to a bridge , he heard a train approaching .

  6. 就在这时候,他看到一列火车开了过来。

    Just then be saw a train approaching .

  7. 火车开了,我们得等下一班车了。

    The train has left . We 'll have to wait for the next train .

  8. 火车开了,票子买了,但是最后人还没有上去。

    The train was going , they had bought their tickets , but in the end those people couldn 't go .

  9. 如果他们不得不与他人共坐一个隔间,火车开了数英里也许还不见他们开口说话。

    If they have to share the compartment with a stranger , they may travel many miles without starting a conversation .

  10. 这辆火车开了足足四个小时,而通常情况下只需两个小时就够了。罗琳一直坐在那里幻想着那个叫哈利的男孩。

    This particular train took four long hours , instead of the usual two hours , and Rowling sat and day dreamed about the boy she would call Harry .

  11. 火车快开了,他还不来,实在急人。

    It is really exasperating that he has not turned up when the train is about to leave .

  12. 孩子们,当心点,火车开过来了。

    Heads up , boys ! a train is coming .

  13. 其中的两个刚登上去,火车就开了。

    Two of them got on the train before it moved .

  14. 当他赶到车站时,发现火车已经开了。

    When he hurried to the station , he found the train left .

  15. 我们还没来得及放下行李,火车就开了。

    Hardly had we put down our luggage when the train started off .

  16. 你是不是拿火车开玩笑了?

    Howard : Did you make fun of trains ?

  17. 我们一到车站,火车就开了。

    No sooner had we reached the station than the train was off .

  18. 上午七点钟火车开过了西斯科。

    Cisco was reached at seven in the morning ;

  19. 好的,你的火车要开了。

    All right . Your train 's gonna leave .

  20. 去芝加哥的火车已经开了。

    The train for Chicago has already left .

  21. 不一会儿,火车就开了。

    The train started after a short time .

  22. 没有。你是不是拿火车开玩笑了?

    Leonard : No. - Howard : Did you make fun of trains ? -

  23. 汤姆看到一个孩子正在铁道上玩儿,火车开过来了。

    Tom saw a child playing on the tracks in the front of a train .

  24. 不久就把我给忘了,再回头一看,火车又开了。

    Soon they had forgotten me , and the next time I looked back , the train was moving again .

  25. 火车已经开了,我走进下一个车厢里那是一个空车厢一直坐在那儿哭直到火车抵达下一个站。

    The train had already started . I went into the next compartment it was empty and until I reached the next station I sat there crying .

  26. 然后不知怎么地——没人知道倒底怎么回事——总之,火车开上了错误的轨道,开到了一处劳动集中营,而不是奥斯维辛。

    And somehow -- we don 't really know exactly the whole story -- but the train took the wrong track and went to a work camp rather than the death camp .

  27. 火车就快开了,可我还没到站台。

    The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform .

  28. 快走吧!火车就要开了。

    A : Run along now ! The train is leaving .

  29. 快点!再过五分钟火车就要开了。

    Be quick ! The train leaves in 5 minutes !

  30. 他们说火车已经开出来了。

    Rufus : They said another train was on its way . -