
  • 网络train;Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat;The Arrival Of a Train
  1. 火车进站了。

    The train drew in .

  2. 看,火车进站了,我们现在得赶紧朝那边跑了。

    Look . The train 's in . We 'll have to run for it now .

  3. 火车进站了。

    The train is pulling in .

  4. 火车进站了,要是走快点的话,我们会赶上的。

    The train is just drawing into the station ; if we hurry we can catch it .

  5. 正在这时,火车进站了。

    Just at that moment the train came into the station .

  6. 火车进站时减慢速度。

    The train slows down when it comes into the station .

  7. 火车进站了,所有的乘客都下了车。

    The train pulled in and all the passengers got off .

  8. 火车进站时旅客们站起来伸了伸懒腰

    Passenger stand and stretch as the train pull into the station

  9. 火车进站时我冷冷地观望着。

    I watched disinterestedly as the train pulled into the station .

  10. 火车进站,带来一阵乡间尘土。

    The train came in with a whoosh of country dust .

  11. 当火车进站的时候,他们在唱歌。

    When the train arrived at the station , they were singing .

  12. 伦敦来的火车进站后停靠在支线站台旁。

    The London train pulled into the branch line station .

  13. 让我们等到火车进站吧。

    Let 's wait till the train comes in .

  14. 火车进站时慢了下来。

    The train slowed as it approached the station .

  15. 火车进站了,他们都没有发觉。

    The train had just arrived , but they didn 't notice it .

  16. 好的,现在来假设我们的火车进站了。

    Okay , let 's assume we got the train into the station somehow .

  17. 现在,她正和一位工友一起打发时间,等待夜间火车进站。

    Now she is killing time with a colleague , waiting for the night train .

  18. 碰巧我到达车站时火车进站了。

    It so happened that the train arrived at the station when I got there .

  19. 九点三十分火车进站。

    The train drew in at 9:30 .

  20. 火车进站了,几十个小学生从车厢里涌到月台上。

    The train pulled in , and dozens of schoolchildren spilled out onto the platform .

  21. 火车进站的时候,科学家拿出10块钱给农民。

    As it pulls into the station , the scientist takes out 10 dollars and gives it to the farmer .

  22. 火车进站时放慢了速度。盘碟都已放好,火也熄了。

    The train clacked off as it came into the station . The dishes were put away and the fire was out .

  23. 系统针对火车进站情况和转辙机设备工作状况,对特性参数加以监测,以保证电动转辙机出现故障时得到及时的报警和处理。

    According to the stop case of the train station system and the working condition of machine equipments , characteristic parameters are monitored in order that the electric switch machine could alarm and process timely when fault occurred .

  24. 火车正在进站,我们快点儿还来得及。

    The train is just getting in ( or drawing in , pulling in ), if we hurry we can still catch it .

  25. 火车快进站时,开始慢了下来。

    The train slowed down as it came to the station .

  26. 我们到达车站,火车刚进站。

    The train was just pulling in as we got to the station .

  27. 火车准时进站。

    The train came in on time .

  28. 黛利拉急于要见到妹妹,只要可能,火车一进站,她就会从巴特继续前行。

    Anxious to see her sister , Delilah would be continuing on from Butte as soon as the train pulled into station , if that was at all possible .

  29. 我来到检票口时,北京来的火车正在徐徐进站。

    As I reached the ticket barrier , the Beijing train was just drawing in .

  30. 这时有人告诉我,火车还没进站。

    Then I was informed that the train was not in .