
  • 网络ROV
  1. 介绍了一种灭雷具上高分辨率图像声纳对目标成像显示的计算机可视化仿真方法。

    This paper introduces a visual method of the high resolution image sonar on ROV .

  2. 灭雷具图像声纳可视化仿真方法

    Visualized Simulation of Image Sonar on ROV

  3. 基于人工神经网络改进型参数整定的智能PID控制研究灭雷具仿人智能动力控制行为建模及仿真

    Research on Intelligent PID Based on ANN and Improved Parameter Modification Modeling and Simulation of Minehunting ROV Behavior under Human-Simulated Manipulation and Control

  4. 灭雷具壳体结构的设计与分析

    Structural design and analysis of minehunting tool hull

  5. 灭雷具缆体系统动力学计算模型

    Calculating Model on Umbilical Cable System of Mine-hunter

  6. 由于能源有限,灭雷具每次下潜的工作时间将受到限制。

    Because of the limitation of power source , the working time of MDV in each dive will be limited .

  7. 对灭雷具系统中显控台对高分辨率图像声纳信号进行转换的计算机辅助探测算法进行了探索,重点介绍了一种能够增强声纳图像中目标信号显示效果的先进算法。

    This paper emphatically introduces an advanced sonar image enhancement algorithm that can improve the detection effect of sea mines .

  8. 灭雷具仿人智能动力控制行为建模及仿真某型航空制导弹药仿真控制台的设计

    Modeling and Simulation of Minehunting ROV Behavior under Human-Simulated Manipulation and Control Design of the Simulation Console for an Air Launched Guided Munition

  9. 多数设计者倾向于将动力源置于线控灭雷具上的方案,以减小控制电缆在水中的阻力,提高灭雷具在流中工作能力。

    Most designers of MDV prefer the overall design plan of putting power source into wire-controlled MDV , so as to decrease the drag of controlling cable in water and to increase the working capability of MDV in current .