
  1. 一百五十天(创7:13-24)。如果是您面洪水灭世,神为麽要选您入方。

    Hundred and Fifty Days ( Gen.7:13-24 ) In case of a flood , why would God .

  2. 杰夫:《圣经》上说,上帝降洪水灭世前,命诺亚造方舟。

    Jeff : The Bible says that before the flood , that God ordered Noah to build an ark .

  3. 殊不知,由于洪水灭世计划的泄露,人类早已从玛雅文明得知且做好准备。

    As everyone knows , the disclosure of the flood program , from the Mayan civilization , human beings had learned and prepared .

  4. 突然,一个无比巨大无比丑陋的神从天而降,那是任何神史都从未记载的摧毁者&灭世神!

    Suddenly , a giant god very ugly fall from the sky , it is the history of any of God to destroy those who have never recorded-God of destruction !