
  1. 王为押尼珥举哀、说、押尼珥何竟像愚顽人死呢。

    And the king lamented over Abner , and said , Died Abner as a fool dieth ?

  2. 所罗门王为耶和华所建的殿、长六十肘、宽二十肘、高三十肘。

    The house which Solomon made for the LORD was sixty cubits long , twenty cubits wide and thirty cubits high .

  3. 周王为天下的大宗,其嫡长子为宗子,是王位继承者,称世子;

    The king made the eldest son born of his wife heir to the throne , who was called crown prince .

  4. 尼希米提到的御花园,令我联我到万王之王为亚当所预备的乐园。

    Mention of the king 's garden by Nehemiah brings to mind the paradise which the King of kings prepared for Adam .

  5. 亚哈王为将耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄园占为己有,作自己的菜园,而使其被乱石打死。

    Naboth the Jezreelite was killed by stoning for his vineyard to be used as a private vegetable patch by King Ahab .

  6. 贝耳沙匝王为大员千人摆设了盛筵,并与千人宴饮。

    Baltasar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his nobles : and every one drank according to his age .

  7. 圣经在但以理书第五章里告诉我们伯沙撒王为他的一千个大臣大摆宴席。

    The Bible tells us in Daniel Chapter 5 that King Belshazzar had made a great feast for a thousand of his lords .

  8. 以黄、王为典型的元代浅绛山水画样式,成为后来者创作的新原型。

    The pattern of light color landscape paintings in Yuan Dynasty , represented by Huang and Wang , become painting archetype of the later .

  9. 湘西苗族花鼓舞的动态传承&以花鼓舞鼓王为例

    The Analysis on the Dynamic Transmission of Miao Hua Drum Dancing in Xiangxi & Take the Drum King of Hua Drum Dancing as the Example

  10. 王为歌唱的出命令,每日供给他们必有一定之粮。

    For it was the king 's commandment concerning them , that a certain portion should be for the singers , due for every day .

  11. 清廷有一天曾下令逮捕义和团首领,可是第二天又任命维护义和团的端王为总理衙门的大臣办理洋务。

    The Court issued orders one day for the arrest of the Boxer leaders , and the next day appointed the pro-Boxer Prince Tuan as minister for foreign affairs .

  12. 亚哈斯将耶和华殿里和王宫府库里所有的金银都送给亚述王为礼物。

    And Ahaz took the silver and gold found in the temple of the Lord and in the treasuries of the royal palace and sent it as a gift to the king of Assyria .

  13. 于是王为她派一个太监,说,凡属这妇人的都还给她,自从她离开本地直到今日,她田地的出产也都还给她。

    So the king appointed unto her a certain officer , saying , Restore all that was hers , and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land , even until now .

  14. 而在祭祀祀谱上,论定某王为直系与旁系的标准大致有二,即是否传子为王和嫡系中的一世一王。

    Spectrum in the ritual worship , the king of setting a standard for the direct and collateral are basically two , that is , whether the son is the King and I , a direct descendant of the king .

  15. 从《理学宗传》与其它的理学史著作的比较中,可以明显看出孙奇逢独特的道统思想就是同宗程朱陆王为正宗,并对此思想从体例和内容两方面进行了论证。

    Comparing to Neo-Confucianism history work in the before " Neo-Confucianism Ancestor Biography ", Sun Qifeng reveres Cheng Zhu Lu wang is the orthodox school of Dao Tong , this article in light of this thought has carried on demonstration from two aspects of the content and the style .