
  • Light box;【医】lamp house
  1. “对我来说,霓虹灯代表往日的记忆,”摄影师莎伦布朗斯说。她的《香港霓虹灯》系列摄影纪念着这座城市著名的指示牌灯箱。

    To me , neon represents memories of the past , says photographer Sharon Blance , whose series Hong Kong Neon celebrates the city 's famous signs .

  2. 我是做临时工的!服务范围:招牌,灯箱,电焊,各种金属字,水晶字,LED广告,霓虹灯制作及维修!

    Services : signs , light boxes , welding , metal words , crystal characters , LED advertising , production and maintenance of neon lights !

  3. 广州市锐致广告招牌制品厂(简称:锐致标识)是一家以大型LED广告招牌工程、大型霓虹灯招牌工程、精工金属招牌及吸塑灯箱为主的大型终端生产厂家。

    Guangzhou Ruizhi Ad Sign Production Factory is a manufacturer that excels in the production of large scale LED , Neon advertising signs , precision metal signs and blister light boxes .

  4. 通过集中供电方式可减少EMI,提高节能效果,延长灯箱使用寿命;

    Inducing EMI , improving energy efficiency effect , prolonging lamp-box life can be implemented by means of centralized supply power ;

  5. 其主要承接广告工程、建筑标识、发光字、灯箱、LED产品、标识标牌、亮化工程、地产围档、广告看板、显示屏等。

    Main undertake ad engineering , construction logo , luminous characters , light box , LED products , logo signs , lighting engineering , real estate Wai files , advertising billboards , display and so on .

  6. 城市公交巴士作为一个现代的交通类广告载体,兼有普通户外交通媒体与室内POP、灯箱媒体的传播特性,其优势是非常明显的。

    As a modern carrier of advertisement on the urban public transport , buses are best known for its strength in publicizing information outdoors and indoors , like POP and light box media .

  7. 介绍了以PVC糊树脂为主要原料,采用贴合刮涂法生产新型材料&发光灯箱布的工艺。

    It is introduced that a new type of material , self - luminescent lamp - box cloth , has been manufactured by taking PVC paste resin as the main raw material and adopting the hot - pressure bonding and blade coating process .

  8. 通过集中供电方式和备用灯管模式可减少EMI干扰,提高节能效果,延长灯箱使用寿命,通过集中控制模式可实现多种控制模式,从而克服控制模式单一的缺点。

    Inducing EMI , improving energy efficiency effect , prolonging lamp-box life can be implemented by means of centralized supply power and reserve lights mode . Multi-control mode can be achieved by means of centralized control pattern , the disadvantage of the single control mode can be overcome accordingly .

  9. 新开发研制的广告灯箱控制器具有集中控制模式、集中供电方式、备用灯管模式,通过这种方式可设计出多功能、EMI干扰小、效率高、经久耐用且经济的灯箱广告牌。

    The new developed and researched advertising lamp-box controller is provided with the centralized control mode , the centralized supply power way and the reserve lights mode . By this means , lamp-box advertisement brand with multi-function , little EMI interfere , efficient , durable and economic can be designed .

  10. 雕塑·灯箱·三维动画&一个侏儒的三种演绎

    Sculpture . Lamp box and 3D CARTOON-A dwarf 's three deductions

  11. 新兴广告材料&柔性灯箱布

    A New and Developing Advertisement Material : Softness Lamp Box Fabric

  12. 基于图像评价的灯箱最佳成像环境因素确定方法

    Optimal lamp-box imaging environmental factor definite method based on image evaluation

  13. 多条街广告灯箱的通信协议设计

    Communication Agreement Design of Multi - street Advertisement Lamp - boxes

  14. 固定性和复杂性灯箱广告基本上都是位置固定。

    Fixed and complexity of the location lightboxes are basically fixed .

  15. 封闭的灯箱安装,应有足以散热的通风口。

    Ventilation opening should be special enough in Enclosed lamp house .

  16. 《天堂只是一个借口》由一段录像和一件灯箱装置组成。

    This work consists of a video and a light box installation .

  17. 一种基于CF卡的声画同步广告灯箱设计

    A sound-image synchronization sign controller based on a CF card

  18. 室内风景灯箱,令您赏心悦目。

    This indoor landscape lamp pleases your eyes and mind .

  19. 数字输出,半透明薄膜,灯箱。

    Digital Print , Translucent film , Light box .

  20. 风景灯箱画具有独特之美。

    The landscape painting on Lantern box has individual beauty all its own .

  21. 这些灯箱可以给你的店一拳头看看。

    The light box can give you a fist look at the shop .

  22. 上海吸塑灯箱采用立体发光字加工技术。

    Shanghai plastic boxes with solid light processing technology .

  23. 《身份》将在两个双面公共灯箱广告牌上呈现。

    Fake Identity by Miodrag Krkobabicwill be shown by double sided standing billboards .

  24. 装饰、广告、展示、灯箱、铝制品加工焊接和型材。

    Decoration , advertisement , demonstration , lamphouse , aluminum product and molding .

  25. 现在有一个可用的灯箱广阔。

    There is now a broad light box available .

  26. 提出了一种透射型彩色全息图的拍摄与再现方法,并将其用于设计制作彩色全息广告灯箱。

    A new method to make transmission color hologram is proposed in this paper .

  27. 文章详细说明了用单片机控制电机转动,从而实现卷画灯箱系统的设计。

    A design program of control system for smart change to draw light box ;

  28. 灯箱的设计也和肯德基风格一致。

    Its billboard is also in the same style as that of the KFC .

  29. 灯箱广告控制电路的设计

    Design on Lamp Box Advertisement Controlling Circuit

  30. 本实验所用图像使用摄像装置在自制的灯箱内获取。

    Pictures used in this research are photographed by camera in a self-made light box .