
  • 网络Media Strategy
  1. 需要根据少年儿童受众的特点做出相应的媒介策略调整。

    Accordingly , adjust the respective media strategy based on the characteristics of the children audience .

  2. 在对顾客类型进行分类的基础上讨论了基于精准营销的顾客沟通媒介策略,渠道策略和信息策略。媒介策略主要是基于数据库的沟通媒介策略和基于互联网的沟通媒介策略。

    On the basis of customer classification , it proposed the communication media strategy , communication channel strategy and information strategy .

  3. 以模型为基础,才能提出言之有物、行之有效的媒介策略。

    Sound and effective media tactics may only be proposed based on models .

  4. 通过适当的媒介策略,政府可以影响甚至主导政策议程;

    By suitable media strategies , the government can influence even dominate the policy agenda ;

  5. 玩转巴士媒介策略

    Play over the Strategy of Bus Media

  6. 政府的媒介策略是一个全新的研究领域。

    It is a whole new field to The Tactical Useage Of the Mass Media Of The China Government .

  7. 网络广告与电子商务的发展密切相关,其核心优势是互动的沟通模式、深度的资讯服务、灵活的媒介策略。

    Web-advertising relates much to the development of the electronic business with interactive communication pattern , deep information service and flexible medium tactics as its key preponderance .

  8. 负责全面的媒体关系工作,包括广告媒介策略的制定和执行,公关活动的策划和实施;

    Lead the overall media relations process , including the development and implementation of advertising media strategies , as well as the development and execution of all publicity efforts ;

  9. 其次,本文将从城市形象片的属性转换、创意体现、类型变迁、媒介策略四个方面对我国城市形象片的变迁与发展进行较为详细的论述。

    Secondly , this paper will discuss the change and development of city promotional video in China in more detail from four aspects : its property conversion , its creative demonstration , its type changes and the strategy of the media .

  10. 本文以传媒为切入点,旨在探讨传媒与城市软实力的关系,从而提出全面提升城市软实力的媒介策略。

    Focusing on the media , this dissertation aims to study the relationship between media and city soft power , and attempts to propose the media strategies needed for an overall improvement of city soft power and the tactics for implementing such strategies .

  11. 叙事话语与意识形态&对女性媒介传播策略的解读

    Narrative Discourse and Ideology : Interpretation of the Female Media Communication Strategies

  12. 以企业为传播对象的报纸媒介内容策略

    Content Strategy of the Media of Newspaper Regarding Enterprise as Target Mainly

  13. 医院危机公关的媒介应对策略

    The coping strategies with medium in hospital crisis

  14. 在现代社会中,城市电视受众占据着电视媒介受众策略的重要地位。

    In modern society , city audience occupies a very important role in the TV audience strategies .

  15. 围绕散发病例开展的调查活动可能会发现少批未接受过免疫接种的人员,这类调查会对本地针对高危人员开展的计划免疫和媒介控制策略提供指导。

    Investigation around sporadic cases may identify pockets of unimmunized individuals and guide immunization and vector control strategies at the local level for those at risk .

  16. 从NBA看美国体育媒介的传播策略

    Communication strategy of sports media in America from NBA

  17. 纸质媒介经营管理策略模型分析

    Pattern analysis of managerial strategy of paper media

  18. 参与制定年度以及各促销活动的营销、媒介、公关策略。

    Participate in the development of marketing , advertising , media and PR annual and promotional strategies .

  19. 体育运动的媒介化发展策略&中国足球超级联赛发展的新视角

    Media Development Tactics of Sports Activity & New visual angle of the development of China Football Super League

  20. 媒介协同营销策略在业界已经运用并成效显著,《快乐女声》便是其成功典范。

    Collaborative marketing strategy has been to use in the industry and get a significant results such as Super Girl .

  21. 而这些博弈特征决定了媒介竞争的策略必须是融入其中而有所作为。

    The characteristic of game decide that the strategy of media competition must be to join in it and to do something .

  22. 社会动机、任务结构及交流媒介对整合策略和分配策略具有三向交互作用。而任务结构和社会动机对谈判规则的满意度具有二向交互影响。

    The findings were found as following : 1 . Social motivation , task structure and communication media had three-way interaction effects for distributive and integrative negotiation strategy , and task structure , social motivation had two-way interaction effects for negotiation satisfaction of the decision rules .

  23. 在此基础上,本文结合赢利模式的悖论和客户发展的五方格模型,认为当前媒介的赢利策略应该是维持广告和发行收入,发展品牌和渠道运营收入,开发和培育增值业务收入领域。

    On this basis , this paper combines paradox of the profit pattern and five-grid-models of customer development , suggest current media profit strategy like this : maintaining the advertising and publish incomes , developing brand and channel operation incomes , exploiting and fostering value-added service areas incomes .

  24. 数字付费电视的媒介环境及其定价策略

    The Media Environment of Price-setting and Its Strategy of Digtal Pay-TV

  25. 陶瓷艺术品的出版媒介方式及其营销策略

    Publishing media modes and marketing strategies of ceramic artwork publications

  26. 社会动机、任务结构、交流媒介对多边谈判策略及其结果的影响

    The Effects of Social Motivation , Task Structure and Communication Media on Multilateral Negotiation

  27. 总之,本文力图将奥运会与媒介的视觉传播策略整合在同一框架下进行考量,为2008年北京奥运研究提供一种思路。

    If the thesis can offer a kind of thinking for the fact that the Olympic Games in Beijing is studied in 2008 , the writer will be satisfied .

  28. 从事业经营的层面来看,将媒介经营提升到策略层面进行全面性的思考,应该才是在认清未来市场变化的状况下,提出有效因应之道的方式。

    In this sense , media operators need to explore their future and examine their strategies from a broader approach first , and then they may lead their organizations toward a better future .

  29. 文学与诗学事实上的传播学转向,使主体论文艺学渐次式微,也使诗学重构必然成为媒介时代的诗学策略。

    In fact , the turn of communication of literature and poetics have dispelled " subject-poetics " and have forced " poetics re-construc - tion " into a poetics tactics in media era .

  30. 最后依托调查分析的结果,结合媒介事件塑造城市形象的成功案例,提出提升甘肃媒介形象的传播策略。

    Finally based on the investigation and analysis of the results , combined with the media event of the successful cases molding city image , put forward the spread of Gansu media image promotion strategy .