
  • 网络BODY AND SOUL;THe Flesh and The Spirit;Body & Soul
  1. 它已成为我的灵与肉。

    It has become my body and soul .

  2. 诗人认识到和谐爱情首先要基于灵与肉的完美结合。

    He realizes that the essence of the harmony of love is the perfect unification of body and soul .

  3. 心理行为干预在早泄治疗中的作用灵与肉:心理疗法的因果辩证

    Interventional Effect of Behaviour Psychotherapy on Patients with Premature Ejaculation

  4. 灵与肉的冲突&谈《乔纳的葫芦蔓》

    The Conflict Between Soul and Flesh - On Jonah s Gourd Vine ;

  5. 灵与肉的结合吃肉与健康

    A Union Between Soul and Body Meat and Health

  6. 人挣脱灵与肉的枷锁

    Shaking off the Yoke of Human Soul & Body

  7. 劳伦斯的文本世界:对灵与肉关系的质问和重构

    Lawrence 's Text World : Interrogation and Reconstruction to the Relationship of Soul and Body

  8. 它被广为接受就是因为它是灵与肉的完美结合。

    They work because they are a precise configuration of the material and the spiritual .

  9. 这里的生活除了灵与肉的肮脏和悲惨,什么也提供不了。

    Here life offered nothing but sordidness and wretchedness , both of flesh and spirit ;

  10. 20世纪女性之灵与肉的血泪史&论莫言笔下的女性形象

    Twentieth Century 's Jeremiad of Female Soul & Flesh On Female Figures in Mo Yan 's Writings

  11. 《浮士德》首先肯定了灵与肉的对立统一关系,具有开创性意义。

    Faust unprecedentedly affirms the unity of the Soul and Flesh , which has an initiating significance .

  12. 相反,自行车运动化为了背景。小说在这背景上深入探讨了灵与肉的挣扎。

    Instead , cycling is the backdrop for a deeper exploration of the struggle between the physical and the psychological .

  13. 从灵与肉的分离走向灵与肉的结合&评劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》

    From the Split of Spirit and Flesh to the Combination of Them & On D.H.Lawrence s Sons and Lovers ;

  14. 本论文主要分为以下几个部分:第一章:理想的爱:灵与肉的分离。

    The thesis is divided into the following sections : Chapter ⅰ: ideal of love : the separation of soul and body .

  15. 从古希腊直到十八世纪,西方文学史上的灵与肉多是分裂、对立的关系。

    From the ancient Greek to the 18th century , Flesh and Soul in Western Literature had always been in split and opposition .

  16. 永无休止的正邪较量&美国清教女诗人安妮·布雷兹特里特的著名诗作《灵与肉》赏析

    The Never-Ending Conflict between Good and Evil-An Analysis of " The Flesh and the Spirit " by American Puritan Poetess , Anne Bradstreet

  17. 如前面提到的,你由灵与肉当前的交汇来实现事件,根据你的信念从可能性中选择它们。

    As mentioned earlier , you actualize events from the present intersection of spirit and flesh , choosing them from probabilities according to your beliefs .

  18. 我们喜欢谈,什么轻与重,灵与肉;我们整天听到的都是歌功颂德。

    We like to talk about , lightness and weight , soul and body , and we were surrounded by good words day in and day out .

  19. 然而,在权力与爱情,灵与肉的矛盾中,拉尔夫神父丧失了自身的美,最终走向悲剧的深渊。

    However , among the contradictions of power and love , mind and lust , Father Ralf loses his beauty , and reaches the abyss of tragedy .

  20. 二元性,尤其是光明与黑暗的二元性,男人与女人的二元性,以及灵与肉的二元性,我们已经读过。

    There 's dualisms , and especially a light / darkness dualism male / female dualism and a soul / body dualism ; we 've already seen that .

  21. 表现宗教与情爱、灵与肉对立是其小说的情节特征,也形成一种讽刺戏剧性。

    The expression of conflicts between religion and love , soul and body , which is a type of ironical drama , constitutes the plot feature of Zhang 's novels .

  22. 作家营造了一个热烈的情爱世界,表现了在灵与肉冲突下的人类心灵的孤独、虚无与耻感。

    The writer constructed a world of love warmly , which expressed solitude , nihility , and humiliation of the human mind coming from the conflict between soul and body .

  23. 小说中的主要人物无法在灵与肉的方面实现和谐统一,个个是伤痕累累,在肉体和精神方面均遭受巨大的摧残。

    The main characters in the novel cannot realize the unity and harmony of the soul and the body , with everyone badly hurt and both bodily and spiritually destroyed .

  24. 在邓恩看来,和谐的爱情关系涉及到两个方面:内在的灵与肉的统一和外在的男女关系的和谐。

    To Donne , two things are involved in the harmonious love relationship : the unification of body and soul internally and the harmony of the male and the female externally .

  25. 单独的精神本原、物质本原也都是片面的,索菲亚一词才是灵与肉、心与物、精神本原与物质本原、观念的东西与物质的东西的完美结合。

    The pure spiritual fountainhead and material fountainhead is also abstract , only SOFIA is perfect integration of soul and body , heart and matter , spiritual fountainhead and material fountainhead .

  26. 也就是有这样一种灵与肉的二元,肉体与灵魂的二元,而通常都存在对肉体的贬抑,对物质的贬抑,认为从道德上讲,这是低级的。

    So you have a mind / body dualism , a body and soul dualism and often there 's the deprecation of the body and a deprecation of matter as morally inferior .

  27. 它由来古代灵与肉、形与神分离的二元认识,并逐渐由形神分离向形神相即、形神合一的方向发展。

    It develops from the ancient dimensional recognition of the separation of spirit and body , and separation of physique and vitality and gradually to the direction of wholism of physique and vitality .

  28. 虽然两座城的学说体现了一种以两分的形式来思考问题的倾向,但它既不同于存在论的二元论和灵与肉的二元论,又避免了对复杂的现实社会作过于绝对的两分。

    The author argues that even though the doctrine of the " Two Cities " manifests a dualistic tendency in the thought of Augustine , it can hardly be labeled as a dualism .

  29. 《生命中不能承受之轻》与《黄金时代》显示了两位作家关于轻与重选择的艰难、灵与肉冲突的挣扎的思考的既共通又相异之处。

    Both Unbearable Lighted heartedness in Life and Golden Times show the similarity and difference in difficulty in selecting lightness or heaviness and painful thought of the confliction between the soul and body .

  30. 但这本书对这个话题涉及不多,它是一曲对生活中灵与肉的混乱的赞歌,而不是信仰所能带来的身心和谐。

    But " A Strangeness in My Mind " wears this topic lightly . The book is a hymn to life 's physical and mental chaos , not to the harmonies faith would impose .