
  • 网络Soul Calibur;Soul
  1. 同时也记住在这个过程中花费的“时间”使用了这种“灵魂能力”就像它原本想要的那样。

    Also remember that " time " spent in this process utilizes this " soul ability " as it was originally intended .

  2. 国王学院&剑桥大学城的灵魂认知能力与真理

    KINGS COLLEGE Cognitive Faculties and Truth

  3. 同样,我们的灵魂有能力可以飞,但是从来没有人教过我们。

    Similarly , our soul has the power to fly , but no one has taught us how to do so .

  4. 三个层面构成一个整体,其中,非认知因素层面是灵魂,能力层面是主体,知识层面是基础。

    Of the three aspects that form an entirety , non-intellectual elements are the soul , ability the body , while knowledge the basis .