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líng táng
  • mourning hall
灵堂 [líng táng]
  • [mourning hall] 安放灵柩、遗体或骨灰盒的房屋

灵堂[líng táng]
  1. 灵堂里摆满了花圈,墙上也挂满了挽幛。

    The mourning hall is full of wreaths , and on all the walls elegiac scrolls are hung .

  2. 成吉思汗逝世后,祭奠他的仪式在其灵堂八白宫举行。

    When Genghis Khan passed away , the memorial ceremony for him was held in his mourning hall , which was also called the Eight White Palaces .

  3. 坐在灵堂里专门请来哭丧的女人。

    Women invited to join the crying in the room where the coffin was placed .

  4. 酋长十分殷勤,甚至请他的客人跟他一起到祖先的灵堂里去。

    The chief was so hospitable that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors .

  5. 骨灰安置所带有盛放骨灰匣壁龛的地下灵堂带后置蜗壳的斜流叶轮机匣处理扩稳研究

    A Study of the Stability Enhancement Achieved by the Casing Treatment of an Oblique-flow Impeller Equipped with a Rear-mounted Volute Housing

  6. 然而,在她之前,已经有多少代像她这样的女人,带着蒙在眼上的绷带沉入了家族的地下灵堂呢?

    But how many generations of the women who had gone to her making had descended bandaged to the family vault ?

  7. 子贡抵达现场时,发现孟子反及子琴张两人在灵堂内手弹乐器,口中唱着他们自己编的曲子。

    When Zi Gong arrived , he saw men Zifan and Ziqin Zhang playing music and singing the song that they themselves composed in the morning hall .

  8. 亲人们聚集在佛事灵堂为“亡者”做超生仪式时,“死者”突然开始呼吸、渐渐苏醒。

    The man 's relatives were in a Buddhist mourning hall , reciting prayers over the dead body , when it gasped and woke up , the Shanghai Daily reports .

  9. 陈定南生前吩咐死后不要为他设置灵堂,也毋须为他守灵,维持他一贯的低调作风。

    Sticking to his low-key manner , Chen left instructions that no wake will be held and no shrine with his portrait will be set up for him after his passing .

  10. 它看上去更像个仓库,而不是诺尔斯神奥丁为阵亡将士准备的灵堂,不过那可能是因为,至少在安斯特,瓦尔哈拉是一家精酿酒厂。

    It looked more like a warehouse than the Norse god Odin 's grand hall for fallen warriors , but that may have been because on Unst at least , Valhalla is a craft brewery .

  11. 灵堂里面聚满了死者生前的亲友,大家都怀着悲痛的心情悼亡伤逝。巴斯滕小姐最后只能认为他战时的朋友杰克-坎贝尔早已阵亡了。

    The mourning hall is crowed with relatives and friends of the deceased . All people are mourning the death . The hospital social worker eventually came to assume he had been killed in combat .