
zhuó shāo
  • burn;firing
灼烧 [zhuó shāo]
  • [burn] 焚烧

灼烧[zhuó shāo]
  1. 每次锻炼的时候,你是需要感觉到肌肉的灼烧感,还是说轻微的运动也一样有效?

    Do you need to feel the burn each time you exercise or is gentle exercise also effective ?

  2. 含~(32)P硫片灼烧后~(32)P的残留率

    The remaining percentage of ~ ( 32 ) p after burning of sulphur tablet containing ~ ( 32 ) p

  3. 分光光度法测定黑钨矿浸出液中的PGB/T6150.1-1985钨精矿化学分析方法钨酸铵灼烧法测定三氧化钨量

    Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten concentrates & The ammonium tungstate igniting gravimetric method for the determination of tungsten trioxide content

  4. 在用于研究甲骨灼烧状况的诸多方法中,X射线衍射与扫描电镜分析两者的作用突出。

    Among many methods for studying the heating stages of oracle bones , X - ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscopy play important roles .

  5. XRD及TEM显示样品灼烧处理前后均为立方相或接近立方相。

    XRD and TEM photographs illustrated structure of samples before and after calcination was cubic phase or nearly cubic phase .

  6. 以水合碳酸镁晶须为前驱物,无保护气氛,通过控制煅烧温度和时间在马弗炉内灼烧,可以获得结晶良好的MgO晶须。

    MgO whiskers have been obtained by calcining the precursor whisker in muffle oven at appropriate conditions .

  7. 氩气中灼烧ZnS和卤化钾混合物制备ZnS基蓝光粉的研究

    Preparation of ZnS Based Blue Phosphors by Sintering ZnS With Kalium Halide as Additive in Argon Gas

  8. 低温熔盐燃烧法制备LiMn2O4GB/T10304.12-1988阴极碳酸盐灼烧失重的测定

    Preparation of LiMn_2O_4 by Low Temperature Molten-Combustion Method Determination of ignition losses in cathode carbonate

  9. 采用高温熔盐灼烧法研究T2钛合金高温腐蚀动力学及腐蚀行为。

    High temperature corrosion kinetics and corrosion behavior of T2 Titanium alloy were studied by oxidizing in melting salt .

  10. 以固体硫酸钛经450℃灼烧后制得改性硫酸钛,用改性硫酸钛吸附吡啶后的IR光谱表征其表面酸性;

    A new type of solid acid catalysts was prepared by calcination of titanium sulfate at 450 ℃, and the acid property was characterized by IR spectra of pyridine absorbed on the surface .

  11. 用X-射线衍射(XRD)和程序升温还原(TPR)技术考察了制备方法和灼烧温度对钙钛矿型结构形成的影响。

    The effects of preparation methods and calcination temperature on perovskite structure were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and temperature programmed reduction ( TPR ) .

  12. 本文报道了VO~(2+)在Y型沸石上用不同温度灼烧处理之后测得的两种不同的ESR波谱。

    Two kinds of ESR spectra measured from VO2 + - supported on Y-type zeolites after treatments at various roast temperatures ( 200 ~ 700 ℃ ) are reported .

  13. 用溶胶凝胶法,灼烧法合成了纳米级WO3,采用X-射线衍射、紫外可见漫反射光谱对WO3进行表征。

    Nanometer WO_3 was synthesized by using sol-gel methed and sintering methed , and characterized by power X-ray diffraction and UV-vis diffuse reflectance .

  14. 并以其为前体,350℃、450℃灼烧处理得双金属氧化物催化剂.XRD及TEM显示样品灼烧处理前后均为立方相或接近立方相。

    After calcination at 350 ℃, 450 ℃, the hydrotalcites are converted into bimetal oxides . XRD and TEM photographs illustrated structure of samples before and after calcination was cubic phase or nearly cubic phase .

  15. 将磷酸镧粉末经压成片后在真空炉中灼烧,并采用X射线荧光衍射仪对灼烧后的样品进行检测,得出样品中各元素及其氧化物的百分含量。

    The phosphate lanthanum powder was thermal decomposition in a vacuum furnace after pressed into tablet , and the thermal decomposition sample was tested by X-ray fluorescence diffraction to obtain the contents of various elements and their oxides of the sample .

  16. 医生所开处方上的阿司匹林药物通常是用以治疗胃酸过多而灼烧食道所引起的巴雷特食管症(Barrett'sesophagus),但实际上这些药片却对此没有丝毫效用。

    It 's usually prescribed to treat Barrett 's esophagus , which is when excess stomach acid burns the lining of the esophagus , but the pills don 't do a thing for the condition .

  17. 结果表明,在燃气中灼烧后材料表面生成的暗红色反应是由于层中的SiC已氧化成氧化硅,同时反应层中还引入了杂质Fe、Na、Ca和Al;

    The results show that Si in surface layer of the composites is oxidized to silicon oxides . The impurities of Fe , Na , Ca and Al are present after heating the composites in combustion gas at 1300 ℃ .

  18. 结果表明:催化剂表面存在明显的Bronsted酸中心,对缩酮化反应的催化活性好,且催化活性随灼烧温度的升高而降低。

    The results showed that the catalysts had Bronsted acid centers and the catalytic activity decreased with the rising of calcination temperature .

  19. 热重分析仪(TGA)测定了垃圾的水和低温下有机物总含量、难挥发性有机物和灼烧残渣的含量。

    The water content of refuse is determined acurately with DSC , while the volatile and non volatile organics as well as the incinerated residue contents are obtained with TGA analysis .

  20. 采用溶胶-凝胶法和浸渍提拉法在普通钠钙玻璃表面负载了一层纯TiO2膜或掺杂不同量的Fe3+的TiO2膜,经灼烧后制备了具有自洁功能的新型玻璃。

    A film of pure titanium dioxide or Fe 3 + doped titanium dioxide was coated on soda-lime glass by sol-gel and dip-coating methods and then a kind of photocatalytic self-cleaning glass was prepared after it was calcined .

  21. 在已有的文献报道中,一般使用固相合成,通过灼烧法,Czochralski提拉法或固相晶体生长法来合成钼酸稀土钠盐晶体;

    In the reported literatures , always used solid-stated synthesis methods to produce NaLn ( MoO4 ) 2 crystal through cauterant method , Czochralski technique or solid-state crystal growth method .

  22. 探讨了合理的掺杂浓度和灼烧温度,并测量了Y2O3∶Eu质量分数为5%时,灼烧温度在1300℃时的激发光谱和格位选择激发光谱。

    Appropriate doped concentration and calcining temperature were studied . The excitation spectra and site-selective excitation spectra for 5 % Y_2O_3 ∶ Eu content ( mass fraction ) calcined at 1 300 ℃ were measured .

  23. 采用TG-DSC、XRD、SEM、PL测试手段,研究了灼烧温度、保温时间、Eu3+离子掺杂浓度对Y2O3:Eu3+纳米粉体显微结构与发光性能的影响。

    TG-DSC , XRD , SEM , PL testing means , study the ignition temperature , holding time , Eu3 + ion doping concentration on the Y2O3 : Eu3 + nanopowder microstructure and luminescent properties of impact .

  24. 提出了VO(H2O)4~(2+)离子在沸石笼中的两种可能结构,随着灼烧温度的升高,结构(Ⅰ)减少。

    Results suggest that the VO ( H20 ) 4 2 + ion in the cage of zeolite has two kinds of probable structures . With the increase of roast temperature , the structure (ⅰ ) turned to structure (ⅱ) gradually .

  25. 在马弗炉(200℃)灼烧至草酸全部挥发,滴加(1+1)盐酸,使刚果红试纸由红变蓝色(或调节pH到4左右),除去二氧化碳。

    The oxalic acid was cauterize in the muffle at 200 ℃ until fully volatilized . The solution pH was adjusted with drop ( 1 + 1 ) hydrochloric acid ( the congo red test paper change color from red to blue ) to about 4 to remove carbon dioxide .

  26. 结果表明,在Eu2+掺杂浓度为0.5%,灼烧温度为1100℃,灼烧时间为4h的条件下可以得到性能优良的荧光粉。

    The result indicated that when the concentration of Eu2 + is 0.5 % , the sintered temperature is 1100 ℃ and the sintered time is 4h , the high performance phosphor can be obtained .

  27. 结果表明,麦饭石对含重金属废水具有较强净化作用。在中性弱碱性条件下(pH7~8),使用Ca型,灼烧0.5h的麦饭石颗粒作吸附剂,净化效果较好。

    The result showed that Marfan stone possessed strong adsorbing properties to heavy metals , and the efficiency of purification was better under the condition of pH 7.0-8.0 , using Ca - Marfan stone scorched for 0.5h .

  28. 将在一定沉淀条件下制备的稀土草酸盐在850℃下灼烧1~24h,得到了Nd2O3,Eu2O3和Y2O3样品。

    Nd 2O 3 , Eu 2O 3 and Y 2O 3 were prepared by calcining the corresponding oxalates precipitated under fixed experimental conditions at 850 ℃ for 1 ~ 24 h.

  29. 美国皮肤病学会(AmericanAcademyofDermatology)会员、路易斯安那州梅泰里市(Metairie,La.)皮肤病学家帕特丽夏?法里斯(PatriciaFarris)称,刺痛感、灼烧感和红肿“实际上都是皮肤遭到有害剥离的迹象”。

    Stinging , burning and irritation are ' actually a sign of harmful stripping of the skin , ' says Patricia Farris , a Metairie , La . - based dermatologist and a fellow at the American Academy of Dermatology .

  30. 现介绍一种较简便准确的方法:试样直接用酸溶解,动物胶脱水,沉淀灼烧后测定SiO2含量。

    In this paper , a new simple and convenient method has been introduced , that is to say , the test sample is dissolved directly by acid , the solution is dehydrated by animal glue , then the precipitation is burned for measuring SiO2 content .