
zāi xīng
  • bane;bad luck;disaster
灾星 [zāi xīng]
  • [bane] 给人带来恶运或灾难的人或事物

灾星[zāi xīng]
  1. 那个复印机是我的灾星!

    That photocopier is the bane of my life !

  2. 那只猫真是我的灾星。

    That cat is the bane of my life !

  3. 我看这辆汽车是灾星。

    I 'm convinced there 's a jinx on this car .

  4. 不用怎么提示农场主们就会告诉你,“该死的养狗人”是他们生活的灾星。

    Farmers don 't need much prompting to tell you that ' flaming dog owners ' are the scourge of their lives .

  5. 听听这首聪明的《空白空间》(BlankSpace)吧,这是关于斯威夫特“约会灾星”恶名的元叙事:

    Take the clever " Blank Space , " a metanarrative about Ms. Swift 's reputation as a dating disaster :

  6. 现在,那灾星再也不来欺压我们。

    The devil does not ride us any more .

  7. 她就是个灾星。

    She would be a disaster .

  8. 念头端正,福星临,念头不正,灾星照。

    Thought well , the idea is not straight , star , according the bitterest curse .

  9. 我是个可悲的灾星。

    I 'm a pathetic disaster .

  10. 说起他们那个不争气的儿子呀,他如今成了邻居们的灾星了。

    Talking of their disappointing son , he is now a danger to his neighboring residents .

  11. 更像是前灾星。

    More like ex-pain in the ass.

  12. 但是当球队发挥出色,没人会说30岁的人在球队就是灾星。

    But when the team is playing well , no one talks about you being the wrong side of30 .

  13. 新县长一听把前任县长骂作灾星,却把自己当成福星,高兴极了。

    The new one to the former county magistrate scolded for Zaixing , put her as a lucky star , delighted .

  14. 灾星的注视:虚空先知用目标毁灭的愿景感染目标的意志,美妙造成一定伤害。

    Malefic Visions : Malzahar infects his target 's mind with cruel visions of their demise , dealing damage each second .

  15. 随着互联网的崛起和人们对互联网的依赖,专业和业余的黑客都已经成为了企业的灾星。

    With the rise of and dependence on the internet , both professional and amateur hacking have become a scourge to companies .

  16. 气是无明火,忍是敌灾星,但留方寸地,把于子孙耕。

    The gas is does , endure is the enemy , but to leave the bitterest curse of ground , children in crops .

  17. 其实,如果康明奈亚斯乐意的话,他对于他底第二位主上,路易十一,也大可下同样的断语,因为路易十一底好隐秘确是他自己底灾星。

    Surely Comineus mought have made the same judgment also , if it had pleased him , of his secondmaster , Lewis the Eleventh , whose closeness was indeed his tormentor .