
lú chuáng
  • siege;hearth;bed of the hearth;finger grate
炉床[lú chuáng]
  1. 回转炉床式焚烧炉计算机实时监测系统的研究

    Research of live computer monitoring system on rotary hearth incinerator

  2. 窑炉的炉床也用耐火砖铺成,并由耐火砖抉壁支撑住。另外,这种窑炉的电动直立门是用间接底足踏板控制的。

    A firebrick plate hearth is supported on firebrick piers , and an electrically-operated vertical lift door is provided with remote foot pedal control .

  3. 没有Eyre小姐恰恰相反我会照你的意思给妹妹们写信的哥哥词汇提炼:hearth:炉床alarmed:惊恐的,忧虑的advertisement:广告solicitor:事务律师inquire:打听,询问resolve:解决,解答

    Rivers : No , Miss Eyre.On the contrary , I shall write to my sisters

  4. 固定床PVC燃烧脱氯的机理和试验阐述了煤在固定炉床和活动炉床上的燃烧机理。

    Experimental and Mechanism Analyses on HCl Emission Control during PVC Combustion in Fixed Beds Principle of coal combustion on stationary grate and moving grate is explained .

  5. 试验结果表明,空气部分气化半焦燃烧方案得到的煤气热值较低,为4-5MJ/Nm~3,气化炉床层温度对碳转化率影响较大,随着反应温度升高碳转化率提高。

    The results achieved at long time steady operation status of the facility show that , with air as gasification agent , the system can produce 4-5MJ / Nm3 low heating value gas and the carbon conversion efficiency increases with the bed temperature in the gasifier .

  6. 气化炉床温对热-电-气-焦油多联产技术的影响

    Effects of Gasifier Bed Temperature on Heat-Power-Gas-Tar Poly-generation Technology

  7. 阐述了煤在固定炉床和活动炉床上的燃烧机理。

    Principle of coal combustion on stationary grate and moving grate is explained .

  8. 焦炉炉床板内高精度预埋管安装新工艺

    New Technology of Erecting High Accuracy Preliminary Buried Pipelines in the Coke Oven Bed

  9. 加入石灰石脱硫会引起炉床温度波动,但波动幅度不大。

    Adding limestone to coal during would cause a slight fluctuation in the boiler 's bed temperature .

  10. 介绍循环流化床炉床测温系统的改造过程。

    The reformation process of the boilers bed measuring temperature system in our company is introduced in detail .

  11. 对于一定的直接气化熔融焚烧炉;增加炉床处理能力的同时,可减少辅助燃料的添加量;

    For certain direct gasification and melting incineration furnace , we could improve the treatment capacity of the furnace as well as decrease the quantity of auxiliary fuels .

  12. 熨斗尤指在炉床或火炉上进行外部加热的供烫衣服用的铁器四角切圆锅炉炉膛上部冷态空气动力场的试验研究

    An iron for pressing clothes , especially one that is heated externally , as on a hearth or stove . Experimental Research of Upper Furnace Gas Flow of Tangential Boiler in Cold Aerodynamics

  13. 颗粒性质、颗粒粒径、炉床温度和燃烧时间等因素对龙岩煤在流化床燃烧中的破碎均有重要影响。

    Factors , such as particle properties , particle size , furnace ′ s bed temperature and combustion time , have an important effect on the fragmentation of LY anthracite during its combustion in fluidized bed .

  14. 5个多月生产统计指标显示,炉床能力提高10.44%,焦率下降15%,作业成本下降19.13%,置换比1.12,铅回收率97.34%。

    Months statistic 's indexes show that the furnace capacity has enhanced 10.44 % , coke rate and produce cost have reduced 15 % and 19.13 % respectively , replacement ratio was 1.12 , lead recovery ratio was 97.34 % .

  15. 本文提出增加工业锅炉炉床上燃煤层的厚度、减少漏风和采用烟气再循环,可以大幅度降低工业锅炉运行中的过剩空气量,从而减少排烟热损失。

    In this paper the author considers that decreasing remnant air volume and reducing heat loss of burned gas in operating industrial boilers can be obtained by increasing properly the thickness of coal on the bed of the boi-ler , reducing air leakage and using burned gas loop .

  16. 煤的破碎有利于提高煤焦颗粒的燃烧速率,但同时也会增加炉床内可扬析颗粒数量,导致飞灰未燃碳含量增加的后果。

    The fragmentation of coal is conducive to enhancing the combustion rate of coal tar particles , but at the same time increases the quantity of particles liable to be elutriated inside the furnace bed , thus resulting in an increase of unburned carbon content in fly ash .