
  • 网络cinder block;cinder brick
  1. 炉渣砖:一种通常空心的用混凝土和灰渣做成的建筑用砖。

    Cinder block : usually hollow building block made with concrete and coal cinders .

  2. 炉渣砖是以炉渣、水泥为主要原料生产的一种新型建筑材料。

    The cinder brick is a new type building materials which is made from cinder and cement .

  3. 炉渣砖性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Properties oi Slag Brick

  4. 政府军用炉渣砖和树枝搭设了临时安全检查点,并配备了人员,封锁了环绕大马士革的两条高速公路。

    Government soldiers manned impromptu security checkpoints built from cinder blocks and tree-branches , blocking two highways that ring the city .

  5. 粉煤灰炉渣空心砖具有成本低,质量轻,强度高,导热系数低,抗冻性好等优点。

    Fly ash and slag air brick has many advantages such as low cost , light mass , high strength , low coefficient of heat conduction , and resist frozen .

  6. 煤矸石与煤矸石炉渣制作烧结多孔砖的可行性研究

    Study of Feasibility of Manufacture of Sintered Cellular Brick with Gangue and Furnace Slag

  7. 炉渣氧化性和镁碳砖含碳量影响炉渣与砖之间结合

    Influence of Slag Oxidizability and Carbon Content in MgO-C Bricks on Bonding between Splashing Slag Layer and MgO-C Bricks