
  • 网络Alkaline syenite;Alkali syenite;alkali feldspar syenite
  1. 与碱性正长岩有关的热液脉型稀土矿床成矿特征

    Metallogenic features of rare earth deposits of hydrothermal type related with alkaline syenite

  2. 河南嵩县南部碱性正长岩类的岩石特征及构造环境

    Petrological characteristics and tectonic environment of ALKALI-SYENITES in the south of songxian , Henan

  3. 外环为碱性辉长岩、石英正长岩、碱长花岗岩,内环为钙碱系列的石英闪长岩-花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩-钾长花岗岩。

    The outer circle consists of alkaline gabbro , quartz syenite and alkali-feldspar granite . The inner circle consists of quartz diorite-granodiorite-adamellite-moyite of calc-alkaline series .

  4. 但在中朝板块北缘晚石炭世-二叠纪只发育钙碱性的晚造山花岗岩,直到三叠纪才出现碱性正长岩。

    At the north margin of the Sino-Korea plate , however , only calc-alkaline late-orog-enic granites developed during the Late Carboniferous-Permian , and alkaline syenites did not occur until the late Triassic .