
chuī qì
  • cooking vessels
  1. 日用炊器,是反映考古学文化性质和研究先秦社会经济最重要的器物。

    The cooking potteries are the most important wares in researching the archaeological culture and the social economy before Qin dynasty .

  2. 青铜鬲起源于陶鬲,陶鬲自新石器时代的仰韶文化期产生直到战国时期一直都是主要的日常生活炊器,许多青铜器的器形均是来源于陶器。

    Bronze Li originated from the shape of Tao Li , since Neolithic the Yangshao culture were produced until the period of the Warring States , Tao Li has been the main daily cooker . Many bronze vessels shapes are derived from pottery .

  3. 鼎在原始社会时期的中国用作炊食器,最先由陶土烧制。

    Dings were used in the primitive society in China as cooking utensils . At first they were made of pottery clay .

  4. 1939年,在河南省安阳市出土了一件青铜鼎,该鼎为我国古代一种炊食器,有两个立耳和四足。

    In 1939 , a bronze ding which is an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and four legs was unearthed in Anyang , Henan Province .