
  • 网络The Battery;Battery Park;Battery Park City
  1. 于是他们涌向炮台公园搭乘前往自由岛的渡轮。

    They flocked to Battery Park to catch the ferry to Liberty Island .

  2. 炮台公园市是特别脆弱,因为它位于海平面,建垃圾填埋场,这是超过基岩多孔。

    Battery Park City is particularly vulnerable because it lies at sea level and was built on landfill , which is more porous than bedrock .

  3. 我游览了美国炮台公园东龙洲炮台〔特别地区〕

    I have visited the Battery . Tung Lung Fort [ special area ]

  4. 我在一只老式的木头高背长靠椅上坐下,这只椅子就象炮台公园里的长椅一样,全都刻划满了,

    I sat down on an old wooden settle , carved all over like a bench on the Battery .

  5. 炮台公园曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。

    A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York .

  6. 伍锐贤主席到炮台公园出席中华公所参加协办的2006年文化中国艺术节并替该活动剪彩。

    President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the2006 Chinese Cultural Festival , which was co-hosted by CCBA and other organizations at Battery Park .

  7. 威斯纳说,“如果飓风袭击时潮高,我们要在炮台公园市有一个问题,”。

    " If the hurricane hits when the tide is high , we 're going to have a problem in Battery Park City ," Wisner said .

  8. 招商酒店,拥有西南纽约和招商府河餐馆在炮台公园市的合作伙伴,理查德科恩,说他是确保所有的户外家具是安全的。

    Richard Cohn , a partner at Merchants Hospitality , which owns the Southwest NY and Merchants River House restaurants in Battery Park City , said he is making sure all outdoor furniture is secure .