
pào tǐng
  • gunboat
炮艇 [pào tǐng]
  • [gunboat] 一种小型军舰,以火炮为主要装备,主要战斗任务是巡逻内河或沿海、轰击敌人沿岸目标、掩护部队登陆;也可以布水雷或以深水炸弹攻击敌方潜艇等

炮艇[pào tǐng]
  1. 炮艇朝陆地开炮。

    The gunboat opened fire on the mainland .

  2. 罗马尼亚石油服务集团grupserviciipetroliere(gsp)表示,由于该集团orizont钻井的作业员工拒绝伊朗国家石油公司一子公司的管理人员登上钻井平台,钻井昨天上午遭一艘炮艇火力攻击。

    Grup servicii petroliere ( GSP ) , an oil services group , said its orizont rig had come under fire from a gunboat yesterday morning , after the crew refused to allow officials from a subsidiary of the Iranian state oil company on board .

  3. 除了例行巡逻,炮艇还被赋予行星防御和封锁的任务。

    In addition to patrol duty , blastboats are dispatched for planetary defense and interdiction missions .

  4. 他们要跟德国炮艇和对方作战。

    They Battie the eiements , a German gunboat and each other .

  5. 这是我曾经服役的炮艇模型。

    This is a modei of Pt boat on which I served .

  6. 我们投标造一炮艇。

    We bid for the construction of a gunboat .

  7. 紧跟在他们后面的是军舰和炮艇。

    Coming up behind them were warships and gunboats .

  8. 炮艇有着和装甲车辆相同的属性。

    Gunboats have the same properties as armored vehicles .

  9. 我军炮艇破浪前进。小艇直在海浪中摇摆。

    Our gunboats ploughed the waves . The skiff was dancing at the stern .

  10. 港口里停着许多炮艇。

    A lot of gunboats were in port .

  11. 炮艇填补了高机动性星际战斗机和武器林立的战船间的空缺。

    A blastboat fills the gap between highly maneuverable starfighters and weapons-laden capital warships .

  12. 我军炮艇正在破浪前进。

    Our gunboats are ploughing the waves .

  13. 我军炮艇破浪前进。

    Our gunboats ploughed the waves .

  14. 美国军方常使用炮艇外交的战术来粉碎恐怖主义行动。

    The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism .

  15. 在那里(指越南)我可以驾炮艇开坦克车。

    Rambo : Back there I could fly a gunship , I could drive a tank .

  16. 他们具有威慑力的军舰和炮艇保障了这些外国人定居点的安全。

    The safety of these foreign settlements was ensured by the menacing presence of warships and gunboats .

  17. 我不信他们(中国人)会到处派遣炮艇去“开发”贸易。

    I doubt they ( the Chinese ) will send any gunboats around to " open " trade up .

  18. 一月,中国船只与菲律宾海军炮艇在开破你私岛交火90分钟。

    In january , Chinese vessels engaged in a90-minute gun battle with a Philippine navy gunboat near Capones island .

  19. 不久拉斐尔-塞姆斯和南部联盟的海军就要来对付那些北方佬的炮艇,港口就会打开。

    Soon Raphael Semmes and the Confederate Navy would tend to those Yankee gunboats and the ports would be wide open .

  20. 北方炮艇对南方港口的封锁已更加严密,能够偷越的船只已很少很少了。

    The Yankee gunboats had tightened the mesh at the ports and very few ships were now able to slip past the blockade .

  21. 而且,只要炮艇护靴装备在你身上,他就能起作用,他并不像其他武器一样要拔出。

    The Gunboats will function as long as they are equipped , and as such do not need to be drawn like other weapons .

  22. 土耳其政府与被土耳其控制的北塞浦路斯人签署了自己的探测协议,并且还派遣了一艘调查船和几艘炮艇去到这个地区。

    The Turkish government has signed its own exploration deal with Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus , and dispatched a research vessel and several gunboats to the area .

  23. 日本人昨天完全控制了上海,击沉了我们的一艘小型炮艇及其全部人员,并俘获了一艘美国炮艇。

    The Japanese yesterday took complete control at Shanghai , sank with all hands one of our small river gunboats , the Petrel , and seized an American gunboat .