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  1. 她除了炸鸡块和薯条外什么也不吃。

    She won 't eat anything except chicken nuggets and chips .

  2. 在日本,不论大人小孩,许多人都对炸鸡块钟爱有加。

    It 's a favourite among many people , children and adults .

  3. 要一份炸鸡块。

    One chicken in a basket , please .

  4. 我想他们有炸鸡块和肉夹饼。

    I think they have fries and burgers .

  5. 我吃一些麦当劳的炸鸡块。

    Then I had lunch . I had some [ McDonald 's chicken ] nuggets .

  6. 把她带到你的卧室里去,我来替你炸鸡块。

    Take her to your bedroom , and let me fry the chicken for you .

  7. 日本各地都有独具特色的炸鸡块,甚至还举行将其作为主题的活动。

    There are many variations of the kara-age theme across Japan , and even kara-age carnivals .

  8. 看起来好像炸鸡块!

    They look like chicken nuggets !

  9. 举例来说,你知道炸鸡块所含有的脂肪和卡路里远高于一个普通汉堡包吗?

    For example , did you know chicken nuggets have more fat and calories than a plain burger ?

  10. 什么!你不喜欢牛肉汉堡?他们也许有比健康的炸鸡块。

    What , you don 't like hamburgers ? Maybe they will have chicken , it 's a more healthy meat .

  11. 研究人员警告说,两大全球快餐连锁企业出售的炸薯条和炸鸡块中有高含量可引发动脉血管阻塞的“反式”脂肪。

    Nuggets from two major global fast-food chains contain very high levels of artery-clogging " trans " fats , researchers warn .

  12. 伊娃·朗格莉亚在克罗地亚为夫婿&篮球运动员托尼·帕克助威时享用肯德基之炸鸡块。

    Eva Longoria enjoyed some fried chicken as she watched her husband , basketball player Tony Parker , play basketball in Croatia .

  13. 英国人从澳洲拿来了炸鸡块、飞去来器和徒步旅行实际上是连锁酒吧的整体概念。

    From Australia , English took the words nugget , boomerang and walkabout - and in fact the whole concept of chain pubs .

  14. 上个夏天,她在一个帽子比赛中获胜。她把炸鸡块添在草帽上,然后在上面挂起饼干耳环。

    Last summer , she won a hat contest by affixing pieces of fried chicken to a straw bonnet and accessorizing it with biscuit earrings .

  15. 之后,他开始用通电餐叉吃炸鸡块,他发现当电流接通时,食物明显变咸。

    He later proceeded to use a charged fork to eat pieces of fried chicken , and found that the saltiness considerably increased as the electricity was dialed up .

  16. 从洛杉矶到伦敦,从东京到都灵,都有麦当劳、肯德基和汉堡王出售匹萨饼、薯条、热狗、三明治和炸鸡块。

    McDonald 's , Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King sell pizzas , chips , hot dogs , hamburgers and fried chicken from Los Angeles to London and Tokyo to Turin .

  17. 梅丽尔究竟从快餐连锁店里点了什么还未确认,但突然之间,我想先弄清楚她喜欢炸鸡块还是汉堡。

    There is no confirmation on what exactly Meryl ordered from the fast food chain , but suddenly , finding out if she is a nugget gal or a hamburger gal is a top priority for me .

  18. 西蒙斯是阅读了史黛西埃尔文的故事之后才将自己的怪癖公之于众的。被称为炸鸡块女孩的埃尔文也来自英国,她连续15年只吃炸鸡块,最后被送进了医院。

    Simmons exposed her difficult story to the public after reading the story of Stacey Irvine , sometimes called Chicken Nugget Girl , a fellow Brit who was hospitalized after eating only chicken nuggets for a decade and a half .

  19. 他用餐刀指着我盘中形状不规则的炸鸡块,解释道:“上面有各种各样的小海湾,城市就可能在这里,”他开心地说,仿佛自己作出了世界上最一目了然的比喻。

    But not much . Pointing at my irregularly shaped food with his knife , he elaborates : " There are various little inlets where cities could be , " he says jovially , as if he were making the most obvious comparison in the world .

  20. 他们花了四个小时作出详细的设计图形,从炸鸡桶到鸡块,一切都是用蛋糕做成的。

    The detailed design took four hours to complete and everything from the bucket to the chicken was made out of cake .