
huì fàn
  • cook rice with meat and vegetables
  • cook rice with meat and vegetables
  1. 来自匈牙利的夫妇DimitarBogdanov和SimeonVassilev今年初第一次来到里约热内卢旅行,在一个很别致的餐厅,花了100美元吃了一份意大利烩饭。

    Dimitar Bogdanov and Simeon Vassilev , a Hungarian couple who visited Rio de Janeiro for the first time early this year , paid the equivalent of $ 100 for a risotto at one of the city 's chic restaurants .

  2. 我没有选择开胃菜,只是点了一道蘑菇烩饭。

    I abandon thoughts of appetisers and order the mushroom risotto .

  3. 我特别喜欢他们的牛肉汤河粉和黄咖哩鸡烩饭。

    I particularly love their Rice Noodle Soup , and the Panang Curry chicken over rice .

  4. Skambian香槟烩饭谢谢-绝妙的选择太妙了

    The , um , Skambian champagne risotto , please . - Excellent choice , excellent .

  5. 如何掀起一个在4分钟内咸烩饭,鸡肉卡恰托雷在12分钟内,或美味的巧克力芝士蛋糕25分钟?

    How about whipping up a savory risotto in4 minutes , chicken cacciatore in12 minutes , or a delectable chocolate cheesecake in25 minutes ?

  6. 而蜗牛太太可能在厨房忙准备意大利烩饭瑞然我觉得那很没味

    And the snail wife is probably in the kitchen , making some type of risotto , which to me is very bland .

  7. 美不胜收的烩饭中加入了上海人最爱吃的蔬菜——荠菜,而且既有松露的清香又有醇厚的牛奶。

    A fabulous risotto was made with shepherd 's purse , a favourite Shanghainese vegetable , but was also threaded with the scent of truffle and a dairy richness .

  8. 这份地中海特色菜谱包括了一款意大利腌肉南瓜甘蓝豆沙烩饭和一套名为“让你的孩子吃蔬菜”的服装。

    The Mediterranean-inspired recipes include risotto with pancetta , squash , and kale , zucchini hummus , and the irresistibly named " get your kids to eat their vegetables " dressing .

  9. 看了客房里配有英文翻译的塑封菜单后,斯诺登选中了辣味咖喱鸡配米饭和辣酱,我选了口蘑烩饭和油醋汁鲱鱼沙拉。

    Reading the laminated room-service menu card , complete with English translations , he is tempted by the spicy chicken curry with rice and chilli sauce . I go for the risotto with white mushrooms and a vinaigrette salad with herring .

  10. 在巴西,凯匹林纳鸡尾酒(选择当地的甘蔗调制的)一杯10美元,意大利烩饭一份100美元,酒店一晚上1000美元,价格上涨是由于相同的失衡,并且近年来政府的政策抑制了经济增长。

    Instead , Brazil is often the land of the $ 10 caipirinha ( the sugar cane-based local drink of choice ) , the $ 100 risotto and the $ 1000-a-night hotel room , prices fueled by many of the same imbalances and government policies that have restrained economic growth in recent years .