
  1. 算法采用基于点到平面距离的误差控制方法,能根据用户指定的简化率通过使原始网格中的顶点合并达到大量简化的目的。

    This method modified the mesh simplification algorithm based on vertex merge , which can decimate the mesh greatly and efficiently by merging the vertices , and can preserve the topology of the original mesh very well .

  2. 利用迭代逼近法计算空间平面形状误差,在小误差条件下,用点到坐标平面的距离,构造坐标变换的迭代公式;

    In this paper , the planar shape error is calculated by use of the approach repeating algorithm .

  3. 该算法把基于点到一组平面距离平方和的二次误差测度,从三维几何空间推广到包含属性信息的多维空间。

    A novel approach is presented for precise registration of range images with a new error metric , based on the inter-space between overlap regions .

  4. 分割逼近法快速求解点到复杂平面曲线最小距离

    Fast calculating minimum distance between point and complex curve with subdivision approximating algorithm

  5. 点在k维平面上的射影及点到k维平面的距离

    The projection of a point on a k-dimensional plane and the distance from a point to a k-dimensional plane

  6. 测量三维物体相应表面点的座标。然后用相应区域中的三点决定一个参考平面,进而计算区域中的特征点到参考平面的距离。

    Three of the measured points in a region are chosed to determine a plane and distances from feature points in the region to the plane are calculated .