
  1. 通过研究IMDB上20000部影片的172000次点映,罗斯曼和论文的另一个作者妮可?埃斯帕扎发现,剧情片比其他类型影片获提名的可能性高出九倍。

    Considering 172000 performances listed on IMDB in 20000 movies , Rossman and co-author Nicole Esparza found that dramas were were nine times more likely to get nominations .

  2. 本文讨论了数据分析中高维数组的一种平面表示方法,即利用LegendrePolynome将高维因子点映成平面上可显示曲线。

    This paper discusses a methed of planar show of multidimensional data in data analysis . It is shown that multidimensional factor point is mapped onto an observable plane curve by using Legendre Polynome .

  3. 关键之处有两点:一是给出了该域的全纯自同构群,该群的任一元素能把该域的形为(W1,W2,Zo)的点映为(W1,W2,0);

    There are two key steps : One is to get the holomorphic automorphism group for the Hua domain such that each element of this group maps the inner points ( W 1 , W 2 , Z 0 ) onto ( W 1 , W 2 , 0 );

  4. 尽管有传言称,索尼可能会通过点映弥补一些损失,但一位发言人称:索尼电影还没有进一步的影片上映计划。

    Despite speculation that Sony could claw back some of its losses with a video on demand release , a spokesperson said : Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film .

  5. 尽管有传言称,索尼可能会通过点映弥补一些损失,但一位发言人称:“索尼电影还没有进一步的影片上映计划。”

    Despite speculation that Sony could claw back some of its losses with a video on demand release , a spokesperson said : " Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film . "

  6. 该泉点映震能力是与它所处的地质构造单元、区域构造背景、地壳深部构造条件及泉点的地球化学环境的特殊性密切相关。

    The capacity of indicating quakes of this spring seems closely related with its geological location , regional tectonic background , the structural conditions in the deep crust and the particularity of geochemistry of the spring site .

  7. 自7月13日以来,这部电影的提前点映票房已超过1.4亿元人民币,该片在中国最大的电影评分网站豆瓣上的得分为8.8分(满分10分)。

    Since July 13 , previews of the film have taken more than 140 million yuan at the box office and the film has a score of 8.8 points ( out of 10 ) on China 's largest filming rating site , Douban .

  8. 系统分析了甘肃祁连山地区7个氡台点短期异常映震情况。

    The earthquake reflecting ability of seven hydro-radon observation stations in Qilian mountain in Gansu is systematically analyzed in the paper .