
  1. 纽约的《村声》(villagevoice)和《洛杉矶周刊》停掉了有关古典音乐的内容。

    The village voice in New York and the Los Angeles weekly have ceased coverage of " classical " music .

  2. 在他为洛杉矶周刊拍摄了一套奇异的沙龙照后,队友罗恩·阿泰斯特笑说:“他是明星。他是科比·布莱恩特。他可以做任何他喜欢的事情。”

    After he appeared in an odd photoshoot for LA Weekly , teammate Ron Artest said , " He 's a star . He 's Kobe Bryant . He can do what he wants . "

  3. 这项研究周三在洛杉矶的时代周刊网站上说道,办公室激光打印机的释放物像抽烟形成的烟雾一样有害健康。

    Some printers released almost as many ultra-fine particles as a smoldering cigarette , said the study appearing on the Los Angeles Times Website on Wednesday .