
luò xī jí xiàn
  • Roche's limit
洛希极限[luò xī jí xiàn]
  1. 洛希极限和引力作用范围的近似改正

    Approximate corrections for Roche limit and sphere of gravitational action

  2. 地球的洛希极限相当于月球轨道半径的一小部分。

    The Roche limit for the earth is a small fraction of the radius of the moon 's orbit .

  3. 当那个界限——叫作洛希极限——被跨越后,月亮会被撕裂9,而在短时间内地球会拥有一个美丽的光环。

    When the Moon passed this boundary-called the Roche limit-it would gradually break apart , 9 and Earth would , for a short time , have rings .