
  1. 我忽然想起来忘了锁门了。

    It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked .

  2. 他忽然想起来他没锁门。

    He suddenly remembered that he hadn 't locked the door .

  3. 我忽然想起来她是借书来的。

    It struck me that she had come to borrow the books .

  4. 他忽然想起来,今年是二十二岁。

    Suddenly he remembered that he was now twenty-two .

  5. 他忽然想起来,她一定是不知道用什么法子,把那些珠宝要出来变卖了,才弄到这种地位。

    It crossed his mind that she must somehow have claimed and sold the jewels to attain her position .