
  • iPartment;ipart
  1. 刚刚播完的国产情景喜剧《爱情公寓III》或许为许多观众都带来了欢笑,但同时也成为了众矢之的。

    The Chinese TV sitcom Ipartment , which ended its third season recently , may have made the audience laugh . But it 's also the target of criticism .

  2. 《爱情公寓》中,室友们总是会适时向彼此伸出援手。

    IPartment : The roommates are always there for each other .

  3. 张彦表示,在《爱情公寓III》的24集剧情中至少有16集,70%以上的情节照搬《老爸老妈浪漫史》,《生活大爆炸》以及《IT狂人》等7部西方剧集。

    According to Zhang , at least 16 of the sitcom 's 24 episodes have more than 70 percent of their plot directly copied from seven Western serials including How I Met Your Mother , The Big Bang Theory and IT Crowd .

  4. 《爱情公寓》作为电视情景喜剧,必然具备情景喜剧的一般审美特征。

    As a sitcom ," Ipartment " of course has the general aesthetic characteristics of sitcoms .

  5. 最后,由于来源于生活,《爱情公寓》的题材非常丰富。

    Finally , for the sake of life , the themes of " Ipartment " are very rich .

  6. 首先,作为情景喜剧,《爱情公寓》注重冲突的喜剧性和轻松性。

    First , as a sitcom ," Ipartment " pays attention to the comedy and relaxation of conflicts .

  7. 在爱情公寓中,这间位于上海市中心的四居室公寓可谓是设施齐全,装修精良且客厅宽敞。

    IPartment : The four-bedroom apartments located in central Shanghai are fully furnished and well decorated , with * spacious living rooms .

  8. 爱情公寓中,爱情无处不在。宛瑜接受了展博的求婚,关谷神奇和悠悠现在正幸福地享受二人世界。

    iPartment : Love happens in iPartment : Wanyu accepted Zhanbo 's proposal , and Sekiya and Youyou are now also happy together .

  9. 这部名叫《爱情公寓》的电视剧,用老套的情景喜剧的方式将大城市里20岁左右年轻人的生活经历结合在了一起。

    The show , iPartment , adheres the old sitcom trope of following a group of 20-something friends as they experience life in a big city .

  10. 《爱情公寓》的编剧汪远在新浪微博上承认自己是美国情景喜剧的铁杆粉丝,表示自己试图在学习中进步,在模仿中创新。

    Wang Yuan , Ipartment 's scriptwriter , admitted on Sina Weibo that he 's a die-hard fan of American sitcoms and that he tries to progress and innovate through imitation .

  11. 另外,《爱情公寓》与大众文化的关系,还在于与广大情景喜剧一致的平民视角,这是大众文化的必然要求。

    In addition , the relationship between " Ipartment " and popular culture exists in the perspective of civilian perspectives , and this is an inevitable requirement of the popular culture .

  12. 目前,我国有关网络婚姻的网站也在不断的涌现和完善,如爱情公寓、虚拟城市第九城市等。

    At present , Our country network marriage website also is in ceaseless emerge in large numbers and perfect , Such as love " Residence "," virtual city "," ninth city " .

  13. 据《每日电讯报》称,另一个粉丝写到:“《爱情公寓》是不是为那些没有看过《老友记》的90后孩子们准备的?”

    Another incredulous fan wrote , ' Is [ iPartment ] only intended for those born after 1990 , who have not watched Friends ? ' , according to the Daily Telegraph .

  14. 这个异乎寻常的巧合导致了中国观众在网上对爱情公寓的热议,他们使用微博来表示自己的愤怒,并贴上剧照以及视频来标明相似处。

    The bizarre parallels led to an online backlash from Chinese watchers of iPartment , who took to micro-blogs to express their anger and post screenshots and video clips highlighting the similarities .

  15. 再者,《爱情公寓》最突出的审美特征就是对白语言的幽默性,可以说,《爱情公寓》成功的最重要一方面就是成功地塑造了笑点频出的人物语言。

    Furthermore , the most prominent aesthetic feature of " Ipartment " is the humor of the dialogue languages , we can even say , the most important aspect of the success of " Ipartment " is in the shaping the humor languages .

  16. 《爱情公寓》作为一部以搞笑为主体的喜剧,能够动用诸多手段来保证搞笑元素充斥于剧情之中,甚至通过搞笑来推动剧情的发展。

    As a comedy , which focuses itself on humors and laughter ," Ipartment " is able to use a lot of means to ensure that , the funny elements are filled into the whole story , and even promote the development of plots by the means of humors .