
  • 网络Halo;buff
  1. 本文介绍了一种高隔离度偏振无关四端口光环行器的结构及原理,并采用琼斯矩阵对光环行器的性能指标插入损耗和隔离度从理论上进行分析。

    This paper describes a high-isolation polarization-insensitive optical circulator configuration and theory , and analyzes its insertion loss and isolation with Jones-Matrix .

  2. 考虑到几乎是共振的条件,可证明,太阳辐射对土星光环粒子轨道的影响相当明显。土星光环粒子轨道半径会发生振荡,振辐很容易达到平均半径的几万分之一。

    Owing to the resonance condition being nearly satisfied , the solar radiation could cause the orbits of the Saturn ring particles to oscillate noticeably .

  3. 研究人员研究了美国宇航局卡西尼号轨道飞行器对土星光环为期六年的观测,卡西尼号轨道飞行器能够探测出冰及遮住冰层的彩色污染物,例如铁和碳氢化合物。

    Researchers examined six years of Saturn observations from NASA 's Cassini orbiter , which can detect ice as well as the colorful contaminants that obscure it , such as iron or hydrocarbons .

  4. 对细小的光环磁通量节点来说,这些问题可能更为严峻。

    The problem may be even more severe for the small photospheric flux knots .