
  • 网络spread betting;Financial Spread Betting
  1. 这家点差交易公司是CMCMarkets,投行是高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    The spread betting firm was CMC Markets . The investment bank was Goldman Sachs .

  2. 去年11月22日,周四,英国某家从事点差交易(spreadbetting)的公司有两件事需要庆祝一下。

    On Thursday November 22 , one UK spread betting company had two reasons to celebrate .

  3. 像cmc和英国其它点差交易公司一样,城市指数公司正在放眼德国、东欧、亚洲和澳大利亚。

    City index , like CMC and other UK spread betting companies , is looking to Germany , Eastern Europe , Asia and Australia .

  4. 点差交易集团IG的首席策略师克里斯韦斯顿(ChrisWeston)表示:中国最近降低资金管理公司交易港股的门槛的举措,为交易商亮起了绿灯。

    The moves to lower the barriers for money managers to trade Hong Kong stocks have recently been a green light for traders , said Chris Weston , chief strategist at IG , the spread betting group .

  5. 随着更多的点差交易公司利用其规模经济,在其它国家提供低成本的点差交易和差价合约交易,这种好处将变成现实。

    That upside is expected to be realised as more spread betting companies use their economies of scale to offer low-cost spread betting and CFD trading in other countries .

  6. 经纪商收取的点差只是你的交易成本的一部分。

    Broker Pip spreads are only a portion of your trade cost .