
làn ní tánɡ
  • muddy pond
  1. 它们在死水附近孳生,例如在烂泥塘边上。

    They breed near stagnant water , such as a slimy pond .

  2. 南方那一片暴虐横行、肆无忌惮的烂泥塘,也还有前途可盼。

    There was yet hope in that southern swamp of despair and violence .

  3. 不知不觉地我走进了一个烂泥塘。

    Unwittingly I walked into a bog .

  4. 鸭子摇摇晃晃地走进池塘。不要穿过那片野地,那是个烂泥塘。

    The duck waddled into the pond . Don 't walk across that field , it 's a bog .