
làn wěi lóu
  • unfinished building
  1. 然后介绍了烂尾楼的背景情况,包括形成原因、产生的危害、解决的措施。

    And then , introduce the background of the unfinished building , including the cause reason ; damage and the solution .

  2. 新时期,烂尾楼存在的诸多矛盾是制约我国城市更新发展的一个突出问题。

    Nowadays , the existence of the unfinished building , which brings a lot of problem , restricts the development of our city .

  3. 在上海,烂尾楼常常会以拍卖的方式进行处理。

    In Shanghai , uncompleted residential flats often in the form of auction .

  4. 浅谈烂尾楼工程开发投资的前景和风险

    Discussion the prospect and risks of developing investment to unduly completed building projects

  5. 今天,在街道上,目之所及都是“烂尾楼”。

    Today , streets are filled with incomplete houses .

  6. 大的办公楼和公寓群都成了烂尾楼。

    Big office buildings and apartment complexes sit half-finished .

  7. 报道说这座高大的烂尾楼今年将迎来重生。

    However it is reported that the idle giant would be reborn this year .

  8. 但是这些经济繁荣还不是普遍现象,在利比亚首都可以看到有许多烂尾楼工程。

    But the booming is not universal . Half-finished construction projects dot the capital .

  9. 少一点烂尾楼的感觉。

    and less like an unfinished tower .

  10. 红色年代是成都有名的酒吧,酒吧所在的大楼此前是烂尾楼。从烂尾楼到火红的红色年代都市活力得到复兴。

    Red Age is a famous pub constructed from an unfinished deserted building in Chengdu .

  11. 但泡沫随后破裂,留下了众多的烂尾楼和数十亿美元的不良贷款。

    They later collapsed , leaving abandoned construction sites and billions of dollars of bad loans .

  12. 进入这幢烂尾楼是不被允许的也很危险,因为只消轻轻碰触,许多楼层就可能会倒塌。

    Entering it is forbidden and dangerous , with many floors collapsing at a mere touch .

  13. 居住者合力建立了公共空间并设计德使这里多一点家的感觉少一点烂尾楼的感觉。

    Together , the inhabitants created public spaces and designed them to feel more like a home and less like an unfinished tower .

  14. 从最初与开发商接触,就有许多待处理的问题,在此之前这是一个烂尾楼项目。

    From the initial contact with the developers , there are many issues to be addressed before this is a project on schedule .

  15. 在大楼里,人们想出了各种解决方案以应对不同的需求,由于居住在这个烂尾楼里。

    Within the tower , people have come up with all sorts of solutions in response to the various needs which arise from living in an unfinished tower .

  16. 遍布全国各地的大批空置房和烂尾楼可作为泡沫之证据。可惜的是,我交谈过的最聪明的一些人意见并不一致。

    Forests of empty or half built apartment complexes across the country would suggest there is . But , unfortunately , the smartest people I talk to do not agree .

  17. 因此,在工程建设过程中由于对工程造价控制的不合理,出现了许多三超现象和烂尾楼现象,使得国有资源白白浪费。

    Therefore , in the process of engineering construction of engineering cost control unreasonable , appeared a lot of " SanChao phenomenon " and " lousy poop " phenomenon , makes the state-owned resources wasted .

  18. 这些企业有可能会孤注一掷地违约,在中国经济已经开始放缓的情况下留下一堆烂尾楼,或是开始大幅降价,引发价格战。

    The risk is that these businesses could become so desperate they will either default , leaving behind half-finished projects at a time economic growth already is slowing , or start offering steep discounts , triggering a price war .

  19. 除此之外,天使投资人更倾向于投资新项目或首轮种子期融资项目,然后才会向旧项目或在第一轮种子期融资期间成为“烂尾楼工程”的初创企业追加投资。

    Moreover , many angel investors would rather invest in that shiny new car or first seed round then add more capital to a used car or startup that did not " get there " on its first seed financing .

  20. 据调查,33岁马永平曾在朋友圈中表达不满之情,原因是分包商曾承诺给他住房抵代工资,结果竟是“烂尾楼”。

    It had emerged that the 33-year old had posted on WeChat that he was angry because a contractor he worked for had promised to give him an apartment as payment , but the promised apartment turned out to be an unfinished , abandoned building .